February 8, 2023 Edition

Covid-19 mRNA Injections Are Bioweapons
Dr. Hotze interviews Karen Kingston

Cleveland Clinic Study Destroys the COVID-19 mRNA Injection Biggest Lie
-Karen Kingston
Cleveland Clinic study of 51,011 employees, Pfizer post-hoc analysis, and the FDA approval documents confirm mRNA biological injections cause COVID-19 infections and increase risk for severe disease.
Currently the CDC, FDA, NIH, and most government officials, healthcare professionals and mainstream media, are promoting the false claim that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections prevent hospitalizations and severe disease. This ‘spin’ was born from the harsh reality that the COVID-19 mRNA biological injections do not prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection or transmission.
Tucker Carlson on Project Veritas’ Taping of Pfizer Executive Talking about ‘Directed Evolution’ and Regulatory Capture
Pfizer Admits to Directing Evolution of Covid-19 Virus. This Is Simply ‘Gain of Function.’
-Dr. Joe Mercola
By now, many of you will have seen Project Veritas’ undercover video of Dr. Jordon Trishton Walker, director of Research and Development for Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning at Pfizer, discussing an internal plan to “direct the evolution” of the COVID-19 virus in order to make more money from COVID boosters. The video was released January 25, 2023.
Allegedly, the undercover journalist working with Project Veritas also worked at Pfizer. This would help explain Walker’s surprising candor. However, during a later confrontation by Project Veritas, Walker insisted he’d “lied” to impress a date.

World War III escalates as corrupt US officials seek to protect their criminal operations and bioweapons research in Ukraine
-Mike Adams, Natural News
The US government continues to escalate world war with Russia, while contributing to the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine. The Biden regime has sent over $100+ billion to Ukraine, including a variety of munitions and weapons, with plans to send tanks, jets, and other weapons, with no resolve. The US, going out of their way to “protect” Ukraine, is clearly not seeking a peace treaty or any other measure of resolve. Any negotiations have been arrogant and escalatory. At times, the Biden regime has even threatened nuclear war with Russia, while treacherously guiding NATO into world war with Russia and China.

Satanic Temple to Open the ‘World’s First Religious Abortion Clinic’ Offering ‘Abortion Rituals’
The Satanic Temple is proudly unveiling what it has described as the “world’s first religious abortion clinic” where it will offer “abortion rituals.” It is mockingly naming the facility after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mother, as the justice penned the opinion overturning Roe v. Wade — a move saving countless unborn lives.
The Satanic Temple’s TST Health is described as a “collaborative of reproductive rights advocates and abortion care providers contracted and directed by The Satanic Temple to advance its Reproductive Religious Rights Campaign.” It plainly states its goal of expanding access for mothers to terminate the lives of their unborn children, as well as expanding what it describes as TST’s “abortion ritual.”
Where is our nation headed?
Satanic ‘Unholy’ Grammy Performance Sponsored by Pfizer

The 65th Annual Grammy Awards held in Los Angeles Sunday night and broadcast on CBS featured the Grammy’s usual tribute to the Prince of Darkness, this time apparently sponsored by pharmaceutical giant Pfizer.
The Satanic performance of the 2022 hit song Unholy by Sam Smith and transgender singer Kim Petras (“Mummy don’t know Daddy’s getting hot, At the Body Shop, doing something unholy”) was followed by a promo that said the Grammy Awards show was sponsored by Pfizer.
Jill Biden made a “surprise” appearance at the end of the show. TGP report here. (Unholy is definitely a Biden family values song.)
Do You Have Hypothyroidism? What You Need to Know

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration