Enough is Enough! Rescue our Children from the LGBTQIA Cult

Enough is Enough! Rescue our Children from the LGBTQIA Cult

-Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

It is time for Texas parents to tell Governor Greg Abbott, “Enough is enough!”  Abbott delivered his State of the State address last night, but did not include in it a call for emergency legislation to stop pediatric gender clinics from providing sex change drugs and mutilation surgery to minors. Nor did Abbot include a call for emergency legislation to address the fact that the Texas public education system has been overrun by the LGBTQIA culture.

Emergency Item #1 should have been the complete and total elimination of the pediatric transgender industry. Stop the sex changing drugs and the sex mutilation surgery on children.

Emergency Item #2 should have been a top down purge of the LGBTQIA culture that has taken over the Texas public education system. Rather than confront the moral rot, Abbott announced that parents will be able to use their new Education Savings Accounts to send their kids to the school of their choice.

Without a systemic change, parents will have a hard time finding a public school that reflects and encourages traditional family and moral values. As you are well aware, public schools currently celebrate PRIDE month, teach 4-year-olds that they can choose their gender, encourage same sex sexual activity, and create sexual and gender confusion in children.

The LGBTQIA cult needs to be recognized for what it is, the satanic brainwashing of children in order to groom them to participate in perverted and immoral sexual activities. By definition, pedophilia is a perversion in adults who sexualize children. Operation Millstone should be implemented for any individual who molests children physically or mentally.

Polls of Texas teachers demonstrate that a majority of public school teachers support the LGBTQIA agenda and the teaching of transgenderism to children. This means that our schools are full of pedophiles.

Abbott first demonstrated his cowardice on the LGBTQIA issue during the 2017 Texas Legislative Session. He allowed the Texas Association of Business and Chambers of Commerce and the Human Rights Campaign to disregard girls’ privacy in public schools. Former Speaker Joe Straus made sure that the House did not pass a bill that would have prevented biological men from entering women and girls’ public bathrooms, showers or locker rooms. Abbott’s failure to oppose the LGBTQIA mob in 2017 simply emboldened them, and left our children without anyone defending them from being sexually groomed, confused and abused.

When the Senate State Affairs Committee heard SB 6, the Bathroom Bill, in 2017, it did not address what a business could or could not require its customers to do as far as business bathrooms were concerned. Despite this fact, the business community strongly opposed SB 6, claiming that if Texas were to adopt a policy that prevented men from violating the privacy and safety of women and girls in public bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, then the tech companies and their woke employees would stop moving to Texas. Abbott is very proud of the tech companies that have moved here since then.

In his State of the State speech Abbott boasted about the number of jobs that he claimed that he has added to the Texas economy.

What about the education of Texas children?

Abbott admits that many are unprepared after graduating from high school to get a job or attend college. Hopefully, Abbott will propose a robust voucher system for all children. The free enterprise system can produce alternative schools that can provide quality education, founded upon Judeo-Christian biblical values, for the children of Texas.

You were probably as disgusted as I was by the recent Texas Association of School Boards’ (TASB) recent directive, instructing school boards to allow transgender boys to use girls’ bathrooms, showers and locker rooms, and vice versa. This directive should come as no surprise. The TASB was just one of the many public education related associations that registered opposition to the 2017 SB 6 Bathroom Bill.

The public education industrial complex has been under the growing control of the LGBTQIA cult for several decades. The following public education organizations opposed SB 6, the Bathroom Bill, in 2017:

Texas State Teachers Association (TASB)          

Austin Texas School Alliance                          

The Association of Texas Professional Educators  

Texas Classroom Teachers Association        

Texas Rural Education Association

Texas American Federation of Teachers     

The public school exemptions from the pornography ordinance must be removed. Legal protection must be eliminated for public school employees who sexually abuse children, who provide them access to pornographic materials, or who emotionally abuse them by suggesting that they should transition to the opposite sex.

The public schools need to get rid of everything LGBTQIA related. No more PRIDE month, No more sexual grooming of kids under the guise of human sexuality instruction, No more pornography in our libraries. Anyone, including teachers, who sexually abuses children should face the death penalty. This is what the Operation Millstone Act is all about,

The Texas Legislature needs to act on these measures immediately. The legislators know that the sexual grooming of children is going on in the public schools. If they don’t act to protect the children, then they are as guilty as the perpetrators of this crime. They should be tarred and feathered, run out of public office on a rail and prosecuted as accomplices to child abuse.

Enough is enough! It is time to rescue our children from the LGBTQIA cult and take back our public schools.

Contact Governor Abbott’s office at (512) 463-2000 or his Senior Advisor, Steve Munisteri, at (512) 463-1830, and leave a message that you want to protect children from sex change drugs and sex mutilation surgery, and that you also want him to eliminate the LGBTQIA culture from the public schools.