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The Second Battle of the Alamo
A second Texas Revolution is currently brewing in the Lone Star State. This all comes as a result of a seemingly laudable plan promoted to and passed by the state’s legislature some four years ago. The plan involved the rebuilding and improvement of the state’s most iconic shrine—the Alamo. The plan as promoted and approved would have rebuilt certain historic structures present at the time of the 1836 battle, as well as give visitors there a better and more complete understanding of the physical environment existing at the time of the conflict. Consequent to the plan’s passage, Texas General Land Office Commissioner George P. Bush, whose office is now in charge of running the Alamo, brought in a number of out-of-state planners to design the project. What they came up with was something very different from what its backers originally envisioned. Much to their dismay, the originators of this effort were astounded to learn that the new focus of the Alamo would no longer be the 1836 battle for which it is world famous. In the words of Bush’s Master Planner George Skarmeas, “We cannot single out one moment in time.” Instead the Alamo would be transformed into a multi-cultural hodgepodge of world history. In fact, its very name would be changed. The site would no longer be referred to as the Alamo—instead, it would be known as the San Antonio de Valero Mission. And this does not comprise the full extent of the plan’s disturbing features. Instead of rebuilding the mission’s outer-perimeter defensive walls using the original limestone as has been done at the other four San Antonio missions, the Alamo’s walls would be constructed of modern-day see-through German-made glass. Other bizarre aspects by the designers are also present, including a tree-lined body of flowing water coursing through the middle of the site’s Main Plaza complete with tables, chairs, and canopies under which tourists may sip their drinks in comfort. In short, the effect will be more reminiscent of a modern-day tourist theme park than that of a hallowed and sacred battleground. Needless to say, upon learning these facts Texans across the state have met this plan with vociferous opposition. There are now statewide efforts ongoing to ensure that it is never implemented; these Texans are outraged and adamant that a plan conforming to the original intent of the legislature when proposed and passed be enacted. It is safe to assume that this fight will be loud and ugly. It is also highly likely that when it is over, George P. Bush’s once-promising political career in the state will be finished.
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If you would like to help with this critical effort that includes radio advertisements and the savethealamo.us website, please send a check made payable to Richard Range, 702 Briarwood Drive, Garland, Texas 75041. Thank you in advance for your support.
Heroes and History are under assault.
We are a grass roots organization dedicated to preserving the integrity of our most sacred Texas shrine. Please stand with us in face of revisionist history elites and politically correct financiers of George P. Bush. Say NO to “Reimagine the Alamo.”
If you would like to verify the contents of the current “Master Plan,” Google- Reimagine the Alamo.
Via https://www.savethealamo.us/
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