October 2nd, 2021 Edition
Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Stark Warning To ALL “Experts’ Who Pushed Crimes Against Humanity

Kitty Werthmann Survived Hitler. This is Her Story
If you remember the plot of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family escaped over the Alps rather than submit to the Nazis. I wasn’t so lucky. My family chose to stay in my native Austria. I was 10 years old, but bright and aware. And I was watching.
We elected Hitler by a landslide – 98 percent of the vote. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force. Not so.
In 1938, Austria was in deep Depression. Nearly one-third of our workforce was unemployed. We had 25 percent inflation and 25 percent bank loan interest rates. Farmers and businesspeople were declaring bankruptcy daily. Young people were going from house to house begging for food. Not that they didn’t want to work; there simply weren’t any jobs.

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration at www.crtpac.com

Sen. Rand Paul Blisters Becerra, Sec. of HHS

Social Conformity Crumbles with One Simple Action
Pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole reports a '20 times increase' in uterine cancer in vaccinated patients

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8 Ways to Power Up Your Brain
Do you find yourself lacking in brain power, so to speak? Do you feel more forgetful than usual? Is it difficult to concentrate on work? Do you have a hard time focusing? Do you feel like your mind is not as clear as it used to be? Never fear, there could be a simple solution.
We all live super busy lives – we work, we take care of our kids, we have a home to clean and meals to make, not to mention trying to find time for workouts and friends and family. With everything that’s going on in your life, you may start to feel mentally rundown. Sometimes it’s nothing more than what a few nights of good sleep can correct. However, when this feeling of “brain fog” lasts for months and even years, there could be some very common reasons behind it.
While there are many causes of “brain fog,” hormone decline and nutritional deficiencies are among the top of the list. Why not find out first if these could be the culprit? So how do you make sure you have all the brain power you need? What helps get rid of brain fog and sharpen memory?

Top 6 Supplements for Weight Loss
Does this sound like you? You’ve been eating right and exercising regularly. You plan out every single meal and never stray from healthy eating. You’re noticing a little bit of a difference in the way your clothes fit, but not as much as you’d like. You are wondering how you can get the weight loss results you’re looking for.
Why is it that losing weight such a difficult thing to do? So many people struggle with this frustrating problem. There countless weight loss programs, eating plans and supplements to help shed those extra pounds. Which ones really work? How do you know where to start?
Today, we are going to share with you our top supplement picks for weight loss.

Resistance to Tyranny is Obedience to God
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our King!
The Covid plandemic was developed to create fear, panic and mass hysteria among the population, leading to compliance and submission to unhealthy and unconstitutional executive orders.
This has now culminated in Biden’s unconstitutional mandate that requires Americans to be coerced and forced to take the deadly experimental gene modifying injections in order to hold a job, travel, enter restaurants or stores, and attend schools. This is in violation of the 1947 Nuremberg Code which requires informed consent before a medical procedure is performed.
The so-called “vaccine” passport is being rolled out. Christian Patriots must boldly and courageously resist this now, or else this passport will ultimately be applied to every aspect of life including church attendance.
Fauci, the health bureaucrats, the CDC, the NIH, the FDA, the politicians and other government officials have lied to us and orchestrated this attack on our liberties. They will ultimately be prosecuted and punished for their crimes. None of their recommendations should ever be followed.
Those in the medical community who have participated in this criminal activity will ultimately receive the same fate as the Nazi doctors who experimented on and murdered the Jews. They will also be prosecuted and found guilty even though they will claim that they were just following the orders of their superiors.
There are thousands of doctors, including myself, who, at the risk of losing their careers, have warned our patients and the society at large of the enormous health dangers of taking the experimental gene modifying injection. We have also provided early treatment for our patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine. We have accepted our moral obligation and duty to issue these warnings. We have also offered these effective treatments, which are opposed by the government, the medical powers that be and the pharmaceutical industry.
These physicians have warned their patients to stay away from the hospitals which are death chambers. The hospital doctors follow the CDC hospital protocol which requires the elimination of all vitamins, minerals and Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Budesonide nebulized inhaler. The CDC protocol requires the IV injection of Remdesivir which causes kidney failure and death in 50% of patients. The dangers of Remdesivir are well known and have been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, yet Fauci and the CDC demand its use. The hospital doctors comply and the patients die. This is murder.
Biblical heroes in the Old and New Testament, such as Daniel and his comrades, and Peter, Paul and the apostles and disciples, participated in civil disobedience. Jesus set the example. Jesus called the religious and political leaders of Israel a “brood of vipers.” (Matthew 12:34) Jesus condemned them, telling them, “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” (John 8:44)
Jesus’ description of the religious and political leaders of Israel would be a correct description of our religious and political leaders in America today.
The Black Robe Regiment set the example that Bible believing pastors should follow. These colonial ministers rallied their congregations against the tyrannical British before and during the American Revolution. American Patriots believed that “Rebellion to tyranny is obedience to God.” Christian Patriots still believe this.
Pastors should inform their church members how the politicians and government officials have lost their legal authority, by violating our God-given, unalienable liberties and freedoms, and that these officials must be opposed, based upon Romans 13.
It is the duty of those in Christian leadership to be watchmen on the wall, warning that godless, satanic Communism is being imposed upon America and that this will lead to slavery and to the killing of Christians.
The satanic Communists are hell bent on destroying the Christian Church and our American Republic. Everywhere the Communists have taken over they have committed mass murder of all dissenters, as well as of the useful idiots who appeased them.
It will be no different here unless the Christian ministers in America rally Christian Patriots to band together, to resist and defeat the wicked, demonic forces of darkness that have illegally gained control of our government and military in a coup d’état.
Please allow me to recommend that you share the Christian Patriot’s Declaration with your pastor and fellow Christians. By signing this, Christians will strengthen their resolve to resist medical and political tyranny and to demonstrate the courage of their Christian convictions by opposing these enemies of liberty.
The following is the declaration that Christian Patriots, who follow in the train of our Christian forefathers, should consider taking.
“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.” www.crtpac.com
“The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion. Those who forsake the Law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them.” (Proverbs 28:1,4)
Stouthearted Christian Patriots must boldly and courageously oppose and defeat the domestic enemy forces of evil, the atheistic pro-Communist Democrats and their RINO supporters, the despicable baby killers, pornographers, pedophiles, sodomites, transgenders, Antifa, and the BLM that have infiltrated our civil government and threaten to destroy all vestiges of Biblical morality and U.S. Constitutional principles. These domestic enemies are traitors to God and country.
“Thou art our King, O God. Command victories for us. Through Thee we shall push back our adversaries. Through Thy name we will trample down those who rise against us.” (Psalm 44:4-5)
Christians must advance Biblical truth in the realm of civil government by electing Godly men to office in Texas and across the nation.
We must warn Christians about the impending disaster facing our nation and get them prepared to defend themselves and their families.
“Through God we shall do valiantly and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” (Psalm 108:13)
Committed to restoring our nation to its Christian heritage, I remain, as always,
Sincerely yours,
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Liberty Center for God & Country