May 9, 2023 Edition

Dr. Hotze’s Message to Texas Republican State Reps about the Failure to Pass SB 14 Which Would Ban Trans Procedures on Children
Steven Hotze, M.D., President
There is no excuse for the Republican controlled Texas House to have allowed Senate Bill (SB) 14 to be blocked twice, as it was on both Tuesday, May 2, and on Friday, May 5. This was preventable. What happened appears to be political theater.
This is not my first rodeo. I have been working to pass legislation, based on Christian Biblical principles, in the Texas Legislature since 1977. On numerous occasions I have watched the RINO leadership deceptively kill conservative bills over the past 46 years.

Political TV Ad Exposing Phelan, Who Has Refused to Bring Senate Bill 12, Banning the Perverted, Drag Queen Pedophiles from Performing for Children, for a Vote in the Texas House.
SICK: North Carolina’s Leading Medical Institutions “Duke, UNC, and ECU” Offers ‘Transgender’ Treatments to 2, 3, and 4 Years Old
Jim Hoft
In 2016, the clinic’s director, transgender activist Dr. Deanna Adkins, spoke with the Charlotte Observer about her transgender pediatric patients.
PURE EVIL: Leading US medical institutions are deliberately confusing toddlers and converting them into transgenders
Lance Johnson, Natural News
American kids are being pushed toward transgenderism by their schools, by left-wing politicians, and by medical institutions. North Carolina’s leading medical institutions – Duke, UNC, and ECU – now offer “transgender treatments” that confuse, brainwash, and socially transition kids as young as two, three, and four. Toddlers are being socially transitioned and put in environments where they are coerced to live in accordance with a so-called gender identity.

Fed Up Student Shuts Down “Woke” Teachers Trying to Push Trans Agenda
Patriotic Viral News
What did that shirt say? “There are only two genders.”
Morrison said he was forced to have an “uncomfortable talk” with school officials who were trying to FORCE him to remove his shirt before returning to class.
When the young man politely refused, the school called his father who supported his son’s stance and came to the school to pick him up.

Navy Uses Drag Queen to Increase Recruits
New York Post
The U.S. Navy confirmed to Breitbart News on Wednesday that it used a drag queen influencer as one of its “digital ambassadors” to attempt to recruit “a wide range of potential candidates.”
The influencer is active-duty U.S. Navy Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is “Harpy Daniels.”
Kelley served as part of the Navy’s pilot ambassador program from October 2022 to March 2023 and has openly performed as a drag queen for awhile, but garnered broader public attention this week after a video of him circulated on social media.
Texas Ag Commissioner, Sid Miller, Commentary: Dress Codes and the Tyrannical Minority
Just because the loudest among us are also the most radical, it is no reason to give up our culture, our values, or our common sense. Sid Miller, Texas Agriculture Commissioner, May 3, 2023
In April, I revised the Texas Department of Agriculture dress code to ensure that all of our employees, contractors, interns, and associates are on the same page regarding the standard for professional and respectful work attire.
The memo I issued included an obvious, biologically, and historically normal sentence asking employees to dress in a manner consistent with their biological sex. It never occurred to me that this sentence would prove to be controversial. That’s because in the real world of rational and emotionally well-adjusted adults, it isn’t.
Trump Warns of Total Mayhem when Title 42 Ends, Lambasts Biden
Mexican Drug Cartels To Launch Terror Attacks Inside U.S., Warns Federal Intel
Illegal Immigration: It's about Democrats’ Plan to Gain Absolute Power over the Country
Tucker Carlson, Prager U

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”