June 13, 2022 Edition

Ben Shapiro Investigates Radical Gender Theory
What Is a Woman?
-Daily Wire
This week, my company, The Daily Wire, premiered a blockbuster new documentary starring Matt Walsh. Titled “What Is A Woman?,” the documentary investigates radical gender theory and its peculiar hold on the elites in our society – and how the insane proposition that men can become women and vice versa has become so well-accepted that even normal Americans now live in fear of questioning it. The film has been the single largest success in the history of the Daily Wire; hundreds of thousands of Americans have subscribed to view it. Yet RottenTomatoes, the review aggregator for film and television, has not a single traditional review of the film.

The “Experts” are WRONG about almost everything:
Finance, climate, diplomacy, science, medicine, education and psychology
-Mike Adams. Natural News
Have you noticed how the so-called “experts” are usually incompetent morons? We have experts in finance who don’t know that printing trillions of dollars causes inflation. We have experts in education and psychology who think mutilating the genitals of children is something to celebrate in the name of “pride.” We have experts in diplomacy who think Russia has no right to its own national interests. And we have experts in science and medicine whose vaccines are so deadly, they have to resort to censorship and paid propaganda to cover up all the vaccine deaths.
The Great Reset: The X Files’ Season 10 (2016) Prophecies the Great Reset Agenda - Very Eerie. (Video 12:08 min.)
This is the direction the New World Order is taking us. Be warned. This is demonic.

Pentagon’s Research Arm is Experimenting on Hacking Human Minds as Globalists Rejoice
-Amy Mek
Most Americans do not realize that their tax dollars are being used to fund programs that can lead to the enslavement of humanity in ways that have never before been imagined.
The U.S. government’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has launched a research program to analyze individuals ‘ “preconscious brain signals” to determine people’s thoughts and feelings. Dr. Yuval Noah Harari, the Chief Advisor to the World Economic Forum’s leader, Klaus Schwab, and other futurists have often warned that humans would soon be hackable. Nevertheless, governments and unelected globalists’ ambitions to reshape humanity and gain control over every aspect of our lives and bodies are making successful strides.
Christians are Focused on the Sweet By-and-By Rather than Advancing the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in Every Area of Life
The military strategist, classical scholar, author, and Pentagon net assessment guru Edward Luttwak was born in 1942 to Jewish parents in Arad, Romania. Raised in Italy and England, Luttwak graduated from the London School of Economics and received his Ph.D. from John Hopkins University. He speaks five languages.
The American non-fiction writer and journalist David Samuels sat down in his function as literary editor of Tablet Magazine for a Q&A with Dr. Luttwak in his home in Maryland. The text of the three-hour long conversation appeared in Tablet Magazine of June 8, 2022, under the title Three Blind Kings. When the conversation turned to the subject of who’s in charge in America, Samuels included the United States as one of the “three weak kingdoms that dominate the world,” along with Putin’s Russia and Xi’s China.
Why Do Democrats Hate Our Children?
Deborah Tyler, American Thinker, 6/10/22
One of the most difficult psychological transitions is facing hatred of self or loved ones by significant people in our lives. The challenge of admitting when we are hated makes it difficult to take steps to protect the vulnerable from that hatred. The normal mind projects onto others the degree of acceptance and respect that it naturally grants to others. The healthy mind must learn through unhappy experience when mutual acceptance and respect are absent. Therefore, it has been hard to admit that over time Democrats have succumbed to beliefs and policies based on hatred of us and our children.
“Why are Most People Cowards? It is Due to the Rise of Tyrannical Politicians and Compliance to Their Immoral Rules
-Academy of Ideas (Video 12:20)

The Christian Patriot's Pledge
“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Pledge