Great News for Grassroots Christian Conservatives

The wicked flee when no one is pursuing, but the righteous are as bold as a lion.”(Proverbs 28:1)

Thursday night, August 29th, in Arlington, I had the privilege of hosting a dinner for and meeting with 20 conservative Christian Patriots, 16 of whom defeated and will be replacing RINOs in the upcoming Texas legislative session. These Patriots are stronger than horseradish in their commitment to advancing a Biblical Worldview in civil government. They are truly heroes and heroines of our faith in Christ.

I was truly humbled to be in their presence.

These individuals, who will be replacing RINOs, are Don McLaughlin, Wes Virdell, Shelley Luther, David Lowe, Caroline Fairly, Brent Money, Janis Holt, Mitch Little, Alan Schoolcraft, Keresa Richardson, Trey Wharton, Katrina Pierson, Helen Kerwin, Matt Morgan, Sheriff A.J. Louderback, and Andy Hopper. Stalwart conservative Republican incumbents leaders were also in attendance: Tony Tinderholt, Steve Toth, Brian Harrison, and Nate Schatzline. 

Most of House Speaker Dade Phelan’s leadership were decimated in the Republican Primary by these lion-hearted individuals.

The Biblical faith of our Founding Fathers was the basis upon which the American Revolution was fought and the principles upon which the Constitution was written.

John Jay was the President of the Continental Congress, author of the Federalist Papers, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1789 to 1795. He wrote, “The Bible is the best of all books, for it is the word of God and teaches us the way to be happy in this world and in the next. Continue therefore to read it and regulate your life by its precepts.” This sentiment was shared by the signers of the Declaration of Independence and of the U.S. Constitution. These Republican leaders with whom I met tonight share these values.  

On February 29, 1892, the Supreme Court of the United States declared, in Holy Trinity v. United States, that the historical record of America overwhelmingly demonstrated that the United States “…is a Christian nation.”

This is our nation’s history. Unfortunately, over the last 100 years, godless secularists have infiltrated educational institutions, the seats of government, the bureaucracies, and even many religious denominations. The history of our nation’s Biblical moorings has been eliminated from the history books.

It appears that those who promote atheistic perversion and communism are advancing with little or no opposition. They are seeking to destroy the Biblical basis and morality upon which our nation was founded. The killing of the unborn, the sexualization of children in schools by the LGBTQIA, the transgender movement, men in women’s bathrooms, showers, locker rooms and athletics, drag queens reading to children in public schools and libraries, the promotion of Satanic themes in movies and on TV, the mass invasion of millions of illegal immigrants, terrorists, criminals, and child sex traffickers are being promoted or allowed by those in power.

If ever there was a time for Christians to be bold and courageous and act, now is the time. These Republican candidates, with whom I met and hosted for dinner, are committed to restoring Texas and our nation to its Christian heritage.

“When the righteous rule, the people rejoice. But when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)

Let’s help these Godly men and women be elected in the upcoming General Elections. 


Don McLaughlin for Texas House District 80

Replacing Democrat district held by Democrat Tracy King

He is a businessman in the oil and gas pipeline industry with 100 employees.

He is from Uvalde.


Wes Virdell for Texas House District 53

He is replacing Andrew Murr, who led the impeachment effort against Ag KennPaxton and dropped out from running for reelection.

Wes was in the US Airforce 2001-2008.

Texas State Director, Gun Owners of America


Shelley Luther for Texas House District 62

Beat RINO incumbent Reggie Smith.

Jailed for refusing mask mandate in her hair dressing business. Dallas area.

David Lowe for Texas House District 91

Beat RINO incumbent Stephane Klick.

U.S. Army, Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice

On private school board in Tarrant County

Caroline Fairly for Texas House District 87

Replacing RINO incumbent Four Price who decided not to run.

Caroline worked for a Republican Congressman.

Works in campus ministry at West Texas A&M

Brent Money for House District 2

Replacing Republican Dan Flynn who died.

Former City Attorney for Greenville

Practices and law and real estate and employs 40 people.

Faith and family are his issues.


Janis Holt for House District 18

She defeated RINO incumbent Ernest Bailes.

President of School Board, Silsbee ISD since 2014


Mitch Little for House District 65

Defeated RINO incumbent Kronda Thimesch.

Successfully defended AG Paxton in his impeachment trial before the Texas Senate

Elder in his church, Bent Tree Bible Church, Dallas Area.

Graduated and played football at Harvard. Law degree University of Texas


Alan Schoolcraft for House District 44

Beat RINO incumbent John Kuempel.

Former 6 term State Representative

Lawyer and entrepreneur

US Airforce Veteran

Keresa Richardson in House District 61 – Collin county, North of Dallas
Defeated RINO incumbent Frederick Frazier
CEO of Lawton Group, a company, a plumbing, HVAC, electrical, refrigeration, and pest control serving customers in DFW, Austin and San Antonio.
She is a cancer survivor, through natural approaches and her faith in God’s healing power. She has a ministry supporting cancer patients.

Trey Wharton for House District 12

Replacing RINO incumbent Kyle Kacal who did not seek reelection.

Graduated from TCU.

Former banker, founded Wharton Insurance Network, 1991

Served on Huntsville ISD


Katrina Pierson for House District 33

Defeated RINO incumbent Justin Holland.

Politically active since 2009 in Dallas Tea Party

National spokesman for President Trump.

Owns public affairs and crisis consulting business in Rockwall.


Helen Kerwin for House District 58

Beat RINO incumbent Dwayne Burns.

Served as Trump’s policy director in White House

Now president of America First Policy Institute

Professor at TCU business school.


Tony Tinderholt for House District 94

Active duty Airforce 1988. Joined Army 2001. Platoon leader, Executive Officer, Bronze medal, retired as Major.

Business owner in Dallas Metroplex.


Nate Schatzline for House District 93

Bachelor’s Assembly of God Southwest University

Summa Cum Laude in Master of Pol Science from Liberty

Parents were missionaries.


Steve Toth for House District 15

Ranked #1 Conservative by Rice University

Top rated conservative Texas Eagle Forum and Concerned Women of America

Businessman in Montgomery County (Conroe area)


Brian Harrison for House District 10

Texas Aggie, Class of 2004

Family owned home building business

Worked for President Trump in DC.


Matt Morgan for Texas House District 26

Beat RINO incumbent bent Jacey Jetton.

Texas family roots for 200 years.

In the insurance business representing policy holders

Eagle Scout


Sheriff AJ Louderback for Texas House District 30

Replacing Geanie Morrison who did run for reelection.

Follower of Jesus Christ

Chairman of Legislative Division of Sheriff’s Association of Texas. Has lobbied in the legislature for the Sheriff’s Association during past 20 years.

Met with Trump dozens of times regarding border security. Lives near Victoria.


Andy Hopper for Texas House District 64

Beat RINO incumbent Lynn Stucky.

Lives in Decatur, Texas

Has a farm and ranch, raising cattle.

Chief Warrant Officer, Texas State Guard at Camp Mabry, Austin

Software Engineer for Texas Army and Air National Guard

Non denominal Christian believes that the Bible is the inerrant Word of God

America’s Future is in the Balance. Christians Must Stand Firm!

Forward this to your fellow Christian Patriots and encourage them to register to attend.
– Dr. Steve Hotze

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”