January 22, 2021 Edition

Twenty-three (23) Recommended Texas Election Code Changes to Ensure Election Integrity
The most important issue facing the Texas Legislature is ensuring Election Protection by Stopping Election Fraud. The Texas Election Code must be amended.
Prior to the 2020 General Election, the Democrats’ massive election fraud scheme in Harris County was uncovered. Had we not exposed and disrupted it, then the Democrats would have illegally harvested hundreds of thousands of ballots by mail and turned Texas blue.
The ballot by mail and computer election fraud schemes were successfully implemented nationwide in the major metropolitan areas that were controlled by the Communist Democrats. This is how they stole the election from Trump.
The Texas Legislature must adopt election code revisions that ensure election integrity and prevent the Communist Democrats’ illegal voter fraud schemes. Unless these revisions are made, the Democrats will steal elections in Texas through voter fraud and turn Texas blue.
Here are the provisions that Conservative Republicans of Texas recommends to be adopted in the Texas Election Code by the
2021 Texas Legislature in order to secure election integrity.
1. Purge every voter file of anyone who has died or moved out of the county, annually
2. Eliminate computer voting machines.
3. Eliminate Early Voting because the U.S. Constitution in Article 1, Section 4 gave Congress the right to set the election date for federal elections. That date is set by federal statute as “the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November.”
4. Ballots by mail may only be issued on the basis of medical disability, military personnel or if the registered voter will be out of the county on election day.
5. Ballots by mail must be applied for by the individual registered voter.
6. Applications for ballot by mail may not be sent to voters by any organization.
7. Applications for ballot by mail may only be sent by the county clerk to the voter if the voter requests it.
8. Ballots by mail must be mailed and arrive by election day.
9. If ballots by mail are not mailed, then they may be turned in on election day only at the county courthouse
10. Each registered voter can only vote in their assigned precinct on election day.
11. Each precinct receives paper ballots corresponding to the number of registered voters in that precinct.
12. At the end of election day, the ballots will be returned under lock and key to the county courthouse where they are tabulated. The total number of voted and unvoted ballots in a precinct must balance with the number of ballots issued in that precinct.
13. The number of voted ballots in each precinct must equal to the number of registered voters who voted in person, corresponding to the election day voter sign in sheet, plus those who voted using ballot by mail.
14. Each sign in sheet, for those registered voters who voted in person, must be checked to ensure that there are no forgeries.
15. Each precinct’s ballots will then be preserved separately for future recount or legal challenges.
16. Alternate Election Judges and Poll Watchers of the various political parties on the ballot will be given full access at the precinct election location to verify that the election process is lawfully conducted.
17. Drive thru voting is strictly prohibited.
18. The Sheriff’s department of each county must be on duty to respond in real time to reports of voter fraud or violations of the Texas Election Code.
19. Each county will report the county’s election results to the Secretary of State after a bipartisan committee in each county has agreed to the election results of that county.
20. The Secretary of State certifies and reports the results through a bipartisan process.
21. Harvesting of ballots by mail will be 2nd degree felony punishable by a $5000 fine and up to 5 years in prison.
22. All other violations of the Texas Election Code will be 3rd degree felonies.
23. Voter’s picture identification is required for every in-person voter on election day.
Adopting the above measures will enable us to create a tight rein on the voting process, so that we can ensure election integrity.
Call your state representative and state senator and tell them to make stopping the Democrats’ election fraud scheme their number one priority.

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