This is the most important election of our lifetime
Early voting ends tonight, Friday, at
Election Day is this Tuesday, November 5.
Make sure that you and every member of your family, your friends, your fellow church members, and your associates at work get out to vote.
We must Get Out the Conservative Vote.
Be sure to vote Republican all the way down the ballot.
“Through God we shall do valiantly and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” (Psalm 108:13)
Please forward this to your family and friends.
As always, I remain,
Sincerely yours for restoring America to its greatness,
Steven Hotze, M.D.
Conservative Republicans of Texas News

New Heights of Hysterical Insanity from the Leftist, Communists
– Mike Huckabee
On the subject of the left’s increasingly desperate attacks on Trump, it appears that Harris’ cratering in the polls now that voters are finally hearing from her is driving leftists to new heights of hysterical insanity, and it’s downright hilarious. For instance, James Carville claimed that Trump will “use the military to round up…his domestic political enemies” (you remember how he did that in his first term? No?) and that his plan to hold a rally in Madison Square Garden is “a mimic of a rally held on February 20, 1939, by the American Nazi Party.” Or maybe with all the music, dancing and blue-collar Americans, it will be a mimic of countless Billy Joel concerts there.
Then there was the Kamala backer on MSNBC who claimed that there are no gangs of criminal illegal aliens terrorizing places like Springfield, Ohio. No, the real threat is gangs of roving MAGA white supremacists terrorizing those neighborhoods. Really? What are they doing, forcing people to say the Pledge of Allegiance at gunpoint? I’m surprised they have time to terrorize the citizenry since they actually have jobs.
Finally, from our “They’ve been smoking their own stash” desk comes the story of the morons posing as MAGA supporters who tried to crash a boat parade for Trump in Jupiter, Florida, wearing swastika T-shirts and flying Trump and swastika flags. The real MAGA boaters immediately spotted their attempted smear, surrounded them yelling curses, and then one in a larger boat got in front of them, gunned his engine, and soaked them with a wall of water.
It’s unclear whether the person to whom the boat was registered is an actual neo-Nazi (it was reported that he’s not a registered Republican or a known Trump supporter) or more likely, a leftist who’s fallen for the “Trump is Hitler” garbage and didn’t realize that nobody outside Kamala’s campaign team would be dumb enough to believe they were actual MAGA people.
There might have been a time when these crazy rants from nutjobs like Joy Reid on MSNBC about MAGA folks being Nazis might have worked on some people who weren’t paying close attention. But it’s after Labor Day, voters are now paying attention, and most can see which side is filled with normal, hard-working Americans of all races who want a return to common sense and which side is filled with radical loons led by babbling idiots. All this caterwauling about Nazis is just making them look even more ridiculous than they already did, and considering how many of them are men in dresses, that’s quite an accomplishment.
I suspect that the reason they believe MAGA people are mind-numbed cult members who think Trump is their God is because that’s how they view politics. As I’ve pointed out for years, having abandoned real religion, leftists have a God-shaped hole in their souls that they try to fill with “charismatic” politicians like Bill Clinton (“Power crackles from his jeans!”) and Barack Obama (“The Lightbringer” who could reverse the rising tides with a wave of his hand.) At least those guys were good at playing the role. When they’re stuck with stiffs like Dukakis, Kerry, Hillary and Kamala, it’s an impossible sell, so they resort to claiming it’s the Republicans who are blindly following a false Messiah.
The Reasons that Mike Huckabee Supports Trump
Let me be clear: I back Trump because I agree with most of his policies (not all). I think he has good intentions, sincerely loves America and wants to restore its power and leadership role and help its people. He is a businessman and not a Washington insider. He tells you what he really thinks and he has a solid record of peace and prosperity. I don’t think he’s perfect or deny his faults. I just choose to overlook them because they are nowhere near as big as the positives. And unlike the Democrats, I’m just hiring a President, I’m not choosing a Messiah. I already have a Messiah, thank you.

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”