International Bird Flu Summit
Washington, D.C.
October 2-4, 2024
The Globalists’ government health care bureaucrats have already planned the next great plandemic. Bill Gates has warned that this plandemic will be much worse than COVID-19.
DO NOT COMPLY with these evil leaders and their mandates.
Top Item of Discussion at the Int’l Bird Flu Summit: Mass Fatality Management Action

Globalists Outline World Government Pathway: 75% Population Reduction, Global Truth Commission, Earth System Currency, Revised United Nations’ Charter
Unelected globalists want to rewrite the UN Charter so that it ‘could articulate the rules of a World Parliament‘ for ‘world citizens‘ with binding legislative & enforcement powers that eliminate State sovereignty: perspective
A Club of Rome and Council for the Human Future roundtable outlines a pathway towards a one world government by revising the United Nations Charter, along with an agenda to voluntarily reduce 75 percent of the human population, to create a global truth commission, and to establish an earth system currency.
Contend for Our Faith in Christ!

Date: September 14, 2024
Time: – 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Location: Glorious Way Church
11611 Champion Forest Drive, Houston, Texas 77066
Christians are being attacked by those who want to destroy the Biblical morality and basis upon which our nation was founded. It is time for American Christians to rally, to put on the whole armor of God, and to contend against the evil forces of darkness in our country.
CLICK THE LINK BELOW TO REGISTER for the event, where you will hear from prominent Christian leaders who will share their life stories and testimonies as well as why it is imperative that Christians ban together for our future. The rally is complimentary to attend but its importance is critical to our collective future. We look forward to seeing you there.
Steven F. Hotze
Founder and CEO, Hotze Health & Wellness Center

Unexpected Cancer Deaths in Young Doctors
–Dr. William Makis
“The top 5 turbo cancers that have come out in my research, the top one is lymphoma, then glioblastomas or brain cancers in general. There are some…rare spinal cord cancers, but mainly glioblastomas. And then for for whatever reason, there’s breast cancers…”
Radiologist, oncologist, and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis (@MakisMD) describes for BSfreeMD (@bsfreemd) how he noticed a pattern of physicians dying unexpectedly following the rollout of the COVID injections; including doctors in their twenties, thirties, and forties.
A subset of these deaths, Makis says, have been “turbo cancer” deaths. “They were cancer, but it wasn’t just cancer. It was stage 4. And it was always stage 4 diagnosis, presentation after two shots or booster shot, three shots, and what was fascinating was the types of cancer too,” the cancer researcher adds.
‘MILLIONS of Self-Assembling Nanotech Entities’ in COVID-19 Injections
400x magnification of 54 COVID-19 vials further confirms mRNA injections contain millions of undisclosed, bioengineered ‘smart’ entities that respond to electromagnetic signals and are highly toxic.
Trump will only lose if there is rampant computer vote fraud
Plano City Council Accused of being Transphobic by a Transgender. These Perverted Trans are Morally Depraved and Bat Sheet Crazy
Sodomite Priest-Painter Makes New Icon for Father James Martin’s LGBT Event
Father Martin, a Jesuit priest and gay rights activist, said that he requested the work from Father McNichols — whom he describes as “one of the world’s most renowned iconographers” — for his LGBT Outreach conference at Georgetown University.
The original painting of “The Foot Washing” now hangs in New York in the media headquarters of America magazine, the Jesuits’ flagship publication in the United States.
Father McNichols’ icons, paintings and images “hang in Catholic churches, as well as colleges and universities, around the world,” Father Martin said.

What motivates Pope Francis’ attempts to normalize homosexual relationships?
A Fish Rots from the Head Down
What motivates the Pope to impose universal recognition of homosexual relationships in the Catholic Church?
This question is in the back of the mind of many confused and perplexed people, Catholics and non-Catholics. It must be discussed openly, for people have a right to know who their leaders are and what they can expect from them. The answer is also of importance in view of the next conclave as it may be of influence to the choice of the successor of this pope.
Muslims Claim that they will Force Islamic Sharia Law on America
They are doing it in Europe. We need to wake up and expel Muslims from America before they take over our country.
Michelle Obama is a Man
-J. P. Sears
Joe Hoft, editor of Gateway Pundit, shreds the FBI and the DOJ piece by piece, bit by bit for covering up the overthrow of the United States government on CONSPIRACY DAY November 3, 2020
The Feds are Planning on Declaring MAGA Supporters Terrorists
– Alex Jones
This is Tim Walz’s trusted advisor, a Flaming Sodomite Trans, who was key in getting Walz to install tampon dispensers in boy’s bathrooms in Minnesota schools. #tampontim

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”