Aug 9, 2022 Edition

Revolt Against the Rainbow RINOs
Pedro Gonzales, Chronicles Magazine

Texas Republican Party Chairman, Matt Rinaldi, has been a stalwart in exposing and opposing the Satanic homosexual and transgender movement. This article gives him due credit for his leadership on social conservative issues. He needs your support. The RINO’s want to destroy him. Rinaldi would make a terrific Governor of Texas. He is a bold, courageous Christian Patriot.

Mike Adams, Natural News
British Commonwealth Games: THE SUMMONING of 72 Nations to PUBLICLY Worship Satanic Idols in a Televised Luciferian Ritual. 6+6×6=72. Using the number 666 is the way that Satanists signal to one another that they support Satan. Look at the Google Chrome logo, carefully. Do you see 666? What about the logo of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)? And the Satanic hand signals of many celebrities. The Satanists are hiding out in plain sight.

Time Is Running Out to Decertify Fraudulent Votes. Stop Them from Destroying Illegal Votes from 2020 Election
- Janet Porter, Faith 2 Action

“Queer All School Year”
Coming to a School Near You
Dr. Deborah Owens, Katy Christian Magazine
-Dr. Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Coming soon to a school district near you: “Queer all school year” and transgender ideology for young children.
The Daily Caller has exposed the new “trans-affirming” curriculum developed by the Los Angeles Unified School District (California’s largest public school district).
The program features everything from classroom materials to panels and instructions for teachers on how to instruct children from kindergarten through twelfth grade in LGBTQ ideology. There are presentations encouraging young athletes to “come out,” a panel of “queer seventh graders” advising parents (!) on the issues of queer middle schoolers, and a heavy focus on “trans justice.”

New York Church Invites Drag Queen To Pentecost Service: “Worship is a Drag”
This is Satanic.
A church in upstate New York marked LGBT pride month by hosting a pair of drag queens at a worship service.
The Park Church in Elmira hosted a “Worship is a Drag” event Sunday, the first Sunday of the month recognized by LGBT activists as “pride month.” The church, affiliated with the United Church of Christ, described the event as a “special communion worship service with guest presenters in drag.”
Led by the church’s pastor, Rev. J. Gary Brinn, the service was held to “celebrate Pentecost, kick-off LGBTQ+ Pride Month, and come to Christ’s Table of Love.”
Leftist Teachers Going After Your Children (Satire)
J.P. Sears (Video)

Abortion: How Can a Society Consider Itself Civilized When It
Condones Such a Barbaric Practice
John Schmude, JD, Former Texas District Judge
I had a shocking personal event that happened when I was 15 years old that forever etched into my mind the horrific reality of abortion…
An opt-Ed by John Schmude
When the topic of abortion is brought up, very predictable mantras are almost always repeated: “my body, my choice”; “reproductive freedom”; “women’s healthcare.” These are the slogans that are relentlessly voiced in defense of abortion on demand. What is interesting about all of these mantras is that every single one of them ignores the primary issue concerning abortion – the humanity of an unborn child. Is a preborn baby a living child? If a preborn baby is a living child, then it is difficult to escape the reality that “abortion on demand” is one of the greatest crimes against humanity to afflict the modern world.

Some Call it The Highway to Hell
Rob Pue, Wisconsin Christian News
As the Globalist ‘Build Back Better’ program continues, I thought I would share with you some of the news stories that you may have missed — or already forgotten about — that have happened this summer.
On June 1st, The Daily Wire released a documentary by Matt Walsh, entitled “What is A Woman?” Walsh was simply asking ordinary citizens, medical professionals and even African tribesmen to give the definition of a woman. As World Net Daily said, the movie featured “scholars on the political left brazenly denying basic biology in their defense of transgender activism.” Predictably, the Daily Wire’s website was the target of a cyber attack, which crashed their system the night the film debuted.
The movie is now available, however and has been seen by millions, and if you’ve not seen it, I recommend watching it online or ordering the DVD at TheDailyWire.com. You’ll learn in detail how activists are trying to take over the minds of our kids — and just how successful they’ve already been.

No More Patience for the Covid Shot That Kills
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
Romans 8:25 ESV
But as we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
When you look up the word PATIENT in Webster’s dictionary, this is the definition: Bearing or enduring pain, difficulty, provocation, or annoyance with calmness. Being tolerant.
The last two years of “the covid” has stretched our patience to our wits’ end. How much longer can we put up with the unpredictable changes that happen nearly every day at the hands of our tyrannical overlords?
We want it over. We want the mask.

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The Christian Patriot's Pledge
“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Pledge