August 17, 2022 Edition

The American Republic is Flatlining. Bold and Courageous Christian Patriots Must Revive It.
Steven Hotze, M.D., President, Liberty Center for God and Country
Now is the time for Christian Patriots to arise and restore our nation to its Christian Heritage.
Plan on attending the Christian Patriots Rally for Freedom, at Glorious Way Church, 11611 Champions Forest Drive in Houston on Saturday, September 17, 1-5 PM.
The American Republic is flatlining. The transformation of America into a Communist state is rapidly occurring. We have devolved into a Communist police state where government agencies like the IRS, FBI, Dept. of Justice and local District Attorneys are weaponized against political opponents of the regime.
The Communist Deep State has targeted its political opponents. This is standard Communist modus operandi. The FBI, arrested Steve Bannon, Gen. Mike Flynn, Peter Navarro and Roger Stone and has invaded Trump’s Mar-a-Lago. The goal is to indict Trump and prevent him from running for President in 2024. I have been indicted by Soros funded, Harris County District Atty. Kim Ogg for my work to investigate and stop vote fraud in Harris County and ensure honest and fair elections.

Dr. Hotze Video Invitation to the Christian Patriot Rally for Freedom
Dear Fellow Christian Patriot,
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ our King!
With this correspondence I want to invite you to attend the Christian Patriots Rally for Freedom, sponsored by Liberty Center for God and Country, on Saturday, September 17, 2022 from 1:00 – 5:00 PM at Glorious Way Church, 11611 Champions Forest Dr., Houston, Texas.
This event is free of charge.
The goal of this event is to educate, equip and empower you and fellow Christian Patriots to oppose and defeat the atheistic, evil Communist revolution that has engulfed our nation and then to restore our nation to its Christian Heritage.
We will focus on educating you about our Founding Fathers’ Christian faith and America’s Christian Heritage. We will also emphasize your Christian duty and responsibility to be involved in civil government and to promote and advance Biblical values in the public arena.
You will be instructed on how to get your fellow church members educated and activated in this battle to restore our nation to its Christian Heritage. Educational material will be provided digitally to you, to send to your fellow Christian friends and Church members.
Our lineup of speakers is as follows:
1. Rick Green, J.D., WallBuilders – speaking on America’s Christian Heritage
2. Janet Porter, Founder, Faith 2 Action- speaking on the Criminalization of Christianity
3. Dr. Gary Demar, Founder, Vision America – speaking on God and Government
4. Dr. Rick Scarborough, Founder, Recover America – speaking on How to Change Public Education at the School Board Level
5. Doug Giles, Founder of Clash Daily Radio – speaking on the Black Robe Regiment
6. Jared Woodfill, J.D. – speaking on First Amendment Rights
7. Steven Hotze, M.D., Founder of Liberty Center for God and Country, Master of Ceremonies
This Christian Patriots Rally for Freedom will encourage those who attend to be strong in the Lord and to put on the full armor of God, (Ephesians 6:10-12), as we work to restore our nation to its Christian Heritage.
Register now for the Christian Patriots Rally for Freedom at this link, https://www.cprfreedom.com/
Your ticket is free of charge.
Please forward this to your family, friends and fellow church members.
Thank you for your commitment to advancing the Kingdom of our Lord, Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:18-20)
Committed to our success, I remain, as always,
Sincerely yours in Christ,

Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Liberty Center for God and Country

BREAKING: Pastor Artur Pawlowski Has Total Legal VICTORY in Alberta Court of Appeal
Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski scored a massive victory against COVID authoritarianism!
The Alberta Appeals Court overturned Pawlowski’s conviction, sentence, censorship, and fines.
The panel of “Justice Barbara Lea Veldhuis, Justice Michelle Crighton and Justice Jo’ Anne Strekaf ordered Alberta Health Services to reimburse Artur Pawlowski and his brother, Dawid, for the costs of their appeal and the return of any fines and penalties paid,” Rebel News reported.
“The appeals panel concluded the original injunction banning protests in the name of public health ‘was not sufficiently clear and unambiguous.’”

FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago backfires spectacularly as lawmakers call for NULLIFICATION of corrupt federal agencies like FBI, IRS, EPA, ATF, DOJ
Mike Adams, Natural News
It took just one FBI raid on President Trump’s private residence to spark an historic backlash against the corrupt, lawless FBI, DOJ and Biden regime. Until today, any talk of abolishing the IRS, dismantling the FBI or nullifying the ATF was just “fringe” talk. But thanks to the FBI, it’s now mainstream conservative talk.
The FBI raid on Mar-A-Lago — during which the FBI obviously planted evidence to try to frame Trump just as they did with RussiaGate — has galvanized conservative America while sparking widespread outrage at the lawlessness and criminality of the illegitimate Biden regime, an enemy occupying force that claims to rule of America but is actually run by criminal tyrants and fraudsters who rigged the 2020 to steal political power from the people.

HUGE DEVELOPMENT: Report Alleges FBI “Had Personal Stake” in Mar-a-Lago Raid – Agents Were After Spygate Documents Trump Was Holding That Likely Implicated FBI
-Jim Hoft
New details on Mar-a-Lago raid come to light
As reported earlier today — President Trump declassified a binder on January 19th, 2021 that contains hundreds of pages about the Crossfire Hurricane scandal. It contains damaging information about the corrupt actors involved with our government. Two different DOJ Attorney General’s have defied President Trump’s direct lawful order to publish the binder in the Federal Register. It’s been 19 months as the DOJ defies the order, and every FOIA request to make it public. Can we now raid the homes of acting AG Monty Wilkinson, and Merrick Garland?

Emboldened IRS demands new hires be willing to KILL AMERICANS … see IRS rifle team training photos and more
-Mike Adams, Natural News
Just two days after the IRS ran a help wanted ad that demanded new hires be willing to kill Americans as part of collecting tax money, illegitimate AG Merrick Garland goes on live TV and lectures the American people, demanding they stop bullying the FBI and the DOJ.
Garland astonishingly claims to be upholding “the rule of law” as his lawless cabal of armed tyrants run roughshod across America, terrorizing anyone connected to Trump or the America First movement.

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Celebrating 33 Years of Transforming Lives, Naturally
This month, the Hotze Health & Wellness Center celebrates 33 years transforming lives, naturally. We want to say thank you to all of our guests who have given us the opportunity to serve them.
Are you new to the Hotze Health & Wellness Center? Do you want to learn more about us? Let us start by sharing with you a couple of amazing success stories from our patients, who we call our guests:

The Christian Patriot's Declaration
“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration