CRTX Newsletter: September 27, 2024 Edition

Are You Obeying God’s Mandate to Be Involved in Public Life?


What is the role of the two opposing kingdoms in politics, God’s Kingdom and the World’s Kingdom?

Mark Driscoll, Trinity Church 

Pastor Driscoll’s sermon clearly defines the role of God’s Kingdom through the Christian Church and the role of civil government. It will clarify why every Bible-believing Christian has an obligation to be involved in politics. 
Politics is derived from the Greek word Politikos, which means pertaining to the citizens of a city and their public life. The Bible is a political textbook. The prophets and leaders in the Bible were heavily involved in the public life. 
Consider Joseph and Moses in Egypt, Daniel, and his three friends, in Babylon, all the prophets who spoke to the Kings, Jesus, as he confronted the political and religious leaders of his time, Paul and Peter, both of whom acted with civil disobedience when they were told not to preach the gospel. Consider King David and all the other kings of Judah and Israel. Consider Martin Luther, John Calvin, Oliver Cromwell, and the Puritans. Consider the Christian faith of our Founding Fathers. 
Christians have a Biblical mandate to be involved in every area of public life, including civil government. Disengagement is disobedience to God’s Word.

– Steven Hotze, M.D.


What the federal government did to Alex Jones, is positively criminal.

Infowars is to be liquidated and auctioned off in November, with U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Christopher Lopez stating he will approve the auctions — AP


What Is Weird about Conservatives
Demonic Possession is alive and doing its ugly job on the lost! 

Former CDC Director Robert Redfield endorses Donald Trump, admits that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. “got everything right.”


Former Overstock CEO, Patrick Byrne, gives testimony that the FBI asked him to facilitate a bribe of $18 million dollars to Hillary Clinton which she accepted. Garland and FBI Wray destroyed child porn evidence from Ukraine that was to be planted on Trump. Evidence Epstein was murdered.

Amer. Assn. of Physicians & Surgeons

In a startling development in electoral politics, prominent Democrats are endorsing Donald Trump: Tulsi Gabbard, Elon Musk, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The key issue for them is the threat to freedom of speech from censorship and lawfare.

Meanwhile, the “conservative” U.S. Supreme Court has declined to rule on the merits on possibly the most important civil liberties case in history, Murthy v. Missouri (see p3).

In the 1964 case of Jacobellis v. Ohio, which concerned the showing of a film The Lovers, the Court held that the First Amendment protected everything except “hard-core pornography.” The Court did not then define “obscenity”; Justice Potter Stewart famously wrote, “I know it when I see it”



COVID-19 Shot Damage and Death Numbers


Humanity has already been infected with cutting-edge nanotechnology from the Covid shot. It affects both those who took the Covid shot and those who have been exposed to people who took the Covid shot

Everyone should be taking ivermectin, methylene blue, nattokinase, quercetin, turmeric, n-acetyl cysteine, and glutathione. Dr. Peter McCullough has a recommended detox program for the spike protein.

McCullough Protocol: Base Spike Detoxification

Dr. Peter McCullough

McCullough et al. recently published (2023) the first rationale for spike protein detoxification, called the McCullough protocol: base spike detoxification [43], which holds considerable promise. The protocol includes a natural triple-agent oral regimen of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin that provides four putative, primary mechanisms of action: 1) proteolytic degradation of spike protein, 2) inhibition of inflammation from spike protein and its fragments in tissues, 3) dissolution of microthrombi, and 4) anticoagulation. Figure Figure 33 illustrates the base spike detoxification protocol and its mechanisms.


McCullough Protocol: Base Spike Detoxification (BSD).

A: Dissolution of spike protein-induced thrombus. Nattokinasedirectly degrades fibrinolysis-resistant fibrin (from spike protein), and bromelain upregulates fibrinolysis. B: Inhibition of spike protein via ACE2 receptors. Bromelain and curcumin block the ACE2 receptor, preventing spike protein from binding. C: Proteolytic degradation of spike protein. Nattokinase and bromelain degrade spike proteins, rendering them inactive. D: Attenuation of spike protein-induced inflammation. 

Bromelain and curcumin downregulate the NF-kB signaling pathway induced by spike protein, leading to the suppression of inflammatory molecules. E: BSD treatment protocol. The full treatment regimen and the addition of other compounds based on clinical indication are illustrated.

Abbreviations: TPA = tissue plasminogen activator, PAI-1 = plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, ACE2 = angiotensin converting enzyme-2, NF-kB = nuclear factor kappa B, S1/S2 = spike protein subunits S1/S2, TLR4 = toll-like receptor 4.

*Created with Panel E adapted from McCullough et al. [43].

The full base spike detoxification protocol is as follows [43]:

Bromelain 500 mg once a day, nattokinase 2,000 FU twice a day, and curcumin 500 mg twice a day. The regimen is to be followed for 3-12 months or more, depending on disease resolution progress. These are initial dosages and may be adjusted in accordance with the tolerability and severity of injury syndrome. Because doses are far below known limits of safety, dose escalation would be reasonable if there are residual symptoms after three months of therapy. If ANA is positive and an autoimmune disease is suspected, prescribed hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice a day should be added to the regimen. If pleurodynia or atypical chest pain is present, prescribed colchicine 0.6 mg once a day should be used in addition.

Nattokinase, a proteolytic enzyme derived from the fermentation of soybeans by Bacillus subtilis natto [44], has been traditionally used in Japan for cardiovascular benefits and possesses direct fibrinolytic activity by hydrolyzing fibrin and plasmin substrate, meaning it can be used to dissolve blood clots [45]. This makes nattokinase a vital tool to dissolve spike protein-induced blood clots, as they may contain fibrin that is resistant to fibrinolysis [19]. 

Additionally, nattokinase has a potent degrading effect on the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 [46,47]. Figure  Figure44 shows the degradative effect of nattokinase on spike protein on the cell surface [47]. The extensive persistence of spike protein [35,39,40] indicates that external drugs, specifically protein-degrading enzymes such as nattokinase, may be needed to degrade it in the human body. Kurosawa et al. demonstrated that, in humans, D-dimer levels were notably increased at both six and eight hours, while blood fibrin/fibrinogen breakdown products showed a significant rise four hours post the intake of a one-time oral dose of 2,000 FU (100 mg) (p < 0.05) [48]. Based on these findings, a suggested initial dosage might be 2,000 FU administered twice daily. Nattokinase has been shown to be largely safe other than possible excessive bleeding especially when combined with other medications [48].

Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme sourced from the stem of pineapples [49], has been traditionally hailed for its healing and anti-inflammatory capabilities, particularly in cases of arthritis and injury. Of significance is bromelain’s anticoagulant activity. It downregulates PGE-2 and thromboxane A2, promoting a relative prostacyclin abundance in platelets. Furthermore, it aids in fibrinolysis by promoting plasminogen conversion to plasmin and inhibiting platelet aggregation [50]. Kritis et al. demonstrated that bromelain can obstruct SARS-CoV-2’s entry into cells by cleaving its spike protein and reducing ACE2 and TMPRSS2 expression [51]. This enzyme can also hydrolyze glycosidic linkages, which comprise spike protein’s glycosidic shield that helps protect it from immune responses [52]. To attenuate inflammation, bromelain, in part, downregulates the pro-inflammatory prostaglandin E−2 (PGE-2) through inhibition of NF-kB and cyclooxygenase 2 and inhibits inflammatory mediators [51]. Thus, bromelain exerts multiple mechanisms of action against spike protein’s toxic effects and persistence. Bromelain has been used as a daily dosage of 200-2,000 mg; thus, 500 mg is a suggested initial dose [53]. Bromelain is mainly safe with low toxicity, but it can amplify bleeding risk and affect the absorption rate of several medications, potentially leading to drug interactions [54].

Curcumin, a polyphenol extracted from turmeric, is renowned for its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to modulate inflammation during viral infections. Curcumin also supports fibrinolysis and the process of anticoagulation [51]. Beyond its traditionally recognized benefits, curcumin has shown promising antiviral actions against a wide range of viruses, including influenza, hepatitis, and notably, SARS-CoV-2 [55]. It achieves this by obstructing the spike protein’s binding sites (ACE2 receptors and TMPRSS-2). Curcumin’s anti-inflammatory effects are realized through inhibiting NF-κB signaling [56]. An in-silico study found that curcumin can inhibit the spike protein of the Omicron variant through interaction with its amino acids [57]. Randomized trials have consistently indicated decreases in high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and other markers of inflammation in situations involving spike protein-induced infections or injuries [58,59]. Curcumin is non-toxic at doses up to 8,000 mg a day [60]. Large doses, particularly with ill-absorbed formulations, can lead to gastric complications [61]. Enhanced absorption of curcumin is achieved in combination with piperine, or with nano or liposomal formulations, which are available as over-the-counter oral supplements. Doses vary widely depending on the formulation, but 500 mg twice a day has been shown to be a common and safe dosage regardless of curcumin type [61].

Hydroxychloroquine, a well-known FDA-approved antimalarial and anti-inflammatory, adds additional support for immunocompromised patients by inhibiting the binding of spike protein to human cells [62]. A real-time meta-analysis of 413 published peer-reviewed studies for hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, including a total of 529,687 patients, shows a statistically significant lower risk for mortality and hospitalization, along with accelerated viral clearance [63]. This effect was the strongest when patients were treated early, indicating the importance of early treatment. Since hydroxychloroquine accelerates viral clearance, it subsequently assists in spike protein removal, and it may be a great addition to base spike detoxification. This compound has been found to be well-tolerated, safe, and not associated with a risk of ventricular arrhythmia at a dose of 200 mg twice a day provided that the expected prolongation of QTc is managed along with other drugs with serial ECGs. Gastrointestinal symptoms may occur [64].

Colchicine, an FDA-approved alkaloid found in the plants Colchicum autumnale and Gloriosa superba, has been traditionally used in therapeutics for its anti-inflammatory properties [65]. This compound can reduce the risk of myocardial infarction and stroke [66]. Moreover, colchicine may reduce myocardial injury in the presence of spike protein [67]. 

Pleurodynia has been diagnosed post-COVID-19 vaccination and may be indicative of cardiac inflammation [68]. The COLCORONA trial demonstrated that colchicine was safe and had a favorable impact on COVID-19 and its immediate post-acute sequelae. In patients with PCR-confirmed COVID-19, colchicine lowered the rate of hospitalization and death compared to placebo [69]. A meta-analysis of five randomized trials, including a total of 16,048 patients, found that colchicine decreased COVID-19 severity and decreased C-reactive protein (CRP), indicating its potent anti-inflammatory effect in the presence of spike protein [70]. Thus, the addition of colchicine is indicated when a patient presents with pleurodynia post-COVID-19 vaccination or post-infection. 

Moreover, 0.5 mg twice daily has been shown to be a safe and effective dosage for the treatment of COVID-19 [65,69,70]. 

Additional compounds that may assist in spike protein detoxification and degradation include the following:

N-Acetylcysteine (NAC): It dissolves spike protein through the destruction of disulfide bonds and prevents binding at ACE2 [52,71,72].

Glutathione: It disrupts spike protein disulfide bonds [72].

Ivermectin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [73].

Quercetin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [74].

Apigenin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [74].

Nicotine: It disrupts glycosylation on spike protein and blocks possible spike protein-nicotinic cholinergic receptor interaction [75,76].

Emodin: It blocks the spike protein-ACE2 interaction [77].

Fisetin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [78].

Rutin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [79].

Silymarin: It binds and inhibits spike protein [80].

Complete paper can be found here:

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”