CRTX Newsletter July 15, 2024 Edition

Attempted Assassination of Trump Appears to Have Been Planned by His Political Enemies

Steven F. Hotze, M.D.

Trump has been a fly in the ointment of the one-world globalists, the World Economic Forum, the Deep State Cabal, the Communist Demon-crats, and the RINOs who are part of the political Uniparty. You know the names of the leaders. The entire political establishment, on both sides of the aisle, and the federal government bureaucrats hate Trump. In the 2020 election, Biden carried Washington, DC with 92% of the vote to 5% for Trump.

I am not going to tell you that the assassination attempt on Trump was not planned by a lone assassin. I am also not going to tell you that the treasonous cabal that has been running the country since 1913 clearly planned this assassination attempt on Trump. You will simply have to decide for yourself.

Allow me to share with you my perspective on this assassination attempt.

The CIA organized and carried out the assassinations of President John Kennedy and his brother Robert. The CIA took out Nixon because he had learned that the CIA had killed President Kennedy. The Clintons, Obama, the CIA and the FBI spied on President Trump, manufactured the Russian hoax and orchestrated the impeachment of Trump.

This evil, Deep State cabal, consisting of Communist Demon-crats and RINO Republicans, stole the 2020 election and then blamed Trump for the January 6th Protest Rally, claiming he was leading an insurrection against the United States.

The FBI invaded Trump’s home at Mar-a-Lago and planted classified documents and charged him criminally. The FBI found classified documents at Biden’s home, but the Dept. of Justice said Biden was cognitively not able to defend himself, so they did not file charges.

The Biden Administration and its allies have coordinated the multiple lawsuits and criminal charges against Trump, attempting to have him imprisoned and prevent him from being able to campaign.

This lawfare against Trump has completely backfired, causing his popularity to increase dramatically and become even more consolidated.

How many times have you thought or heard it said, “They cannot afford to let Trump be elected. They are going to try to assassinate him.” That’s what the Deep State, Satanic Cabal tried and failed, thanks to God’s divine intervention.

A BBC reporter interviewed a man outside the security perimeter of the Trump rally who claims he saw the would-be assassin before he fired a shot. He warned the police, but no action was taken to stop him.

The assassin was located on a roof 150 yards away from Trump. Immediately after he fired his shots at Trump, he was shot dead by two snipers who have not yet been identified. Who were they? In what branch of government do they serve, Secret Service, FBI, CIA or Local Police? Video shows these snipers in uniform had their rifles trained on someone. They fired immediately after Trump was shot. The snipers had a bead on the would-be assassin. Why did they wait to kill him? Were they obeying orders?

It is reported that the assassin was a member of the Communist Antifa group.

Someone convinced this assassin to shoot Trump. Was it FBI or CIA operatives who found the would-be and promoted the assassination of Trump, like the infiltration that was done by the FBI into patriotic groups before January 6th?

This assassination attempt seems to have been planned by high-level leaders of the treasonous cabal and carried out by their foot soldiers.

Allow me to underscore that the would-be assassin was killed immediately after he shot at Trump. If Trump had not turned his head, then Trump would have been killed.

It was an act of God that Trump was not killed. It was an incredible shot. The assassin was well-trained. The snipers who killed the assassin made incredible shots as well. The killing of the would-be assassin appears to be planned as well.

The enemies of Trump who conspired to assassinate him know that dead men can’t talk. This is the way the mafia operates. Why do you think Jack Ruby shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald?

The assassination attempt on Trump seems to have been well planned by those who hate America and Trump’s patriotic, pro-America message.

Here is a prayer that you should consider praying for Donald Trump.

“Thank you Father for protecting Donald Trump. May the Holy Spirit convict Donald Trump of sin, righteousness, and judgment, so that he would repent of sin and trust Jesus Christ alone as his Savior, Lord, and King and implement God’s law in America, (John 16:8). May God continue to hedge His angels around President Trump and keep him out of harm’s way. May Trump tread upon lions and cobras, young lions and serpents may he trample down, (Psalm 91:11-13). Father, we pray these requests in the powerful name of Jesus.”

The Assassin Was Videotaped with a Rifle on the Roof by Bystanders Who Told the Police

Former Green Beret Gives Analysis of Trump Shooting

Maximum Red Alert! The Globalist Deep State Is Desperate And Will Try To Kill Trump Again!

-Alex Jones

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”

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