Wake Up America! Look What the Muslims Have Made of Dearborn, Michigan.


Some alarming facts stated in the video:

  • Muslims from the Middle East are the fastest-growing legal immigration into the U.S., more than Mexico or Central America.
  • 7 million Syrians have applied to come to the U.S. as refugees, thanks to Obama’s and now Trump’s policy of aiding the jihadist “rebels” against the Assad government in the ongoing Syrian civil war.
  • Muslims are over-represented among America’s welfare-dependent poor: Whereas 36% of Americans claim to earn less than $30,000 a year, thereby qualifying them to receive welfare, 45% of Muslims in America claim to earn less than $30,000/year.
  • Muslims refuse to learn the English language and assimilate, i.e., become Americanized.
  • Public schools with large numbers of Muslim students have a separate school-lunch menu in Arabic.

From Wikipedia:

  • Dearborn is the 8th largest city in Michigan, part of the Detroit metropolitan area.
  • Total population in 2010 was 998,153.
  • The largest ethnic group — 41.7% of the city’s total population — are of Middle Eastern ancestry (Lebanese, Yemeni, Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian).
  • Dearborn has the largest proportion of Arab-Americans in the U.S. In 2000, 29.3% of Dearborn residents spoke Arabic.
  • The largest mosque in North America, the Islamic Center of America, is in Dearborn.

From Michigan Live:

  • Government welfare in Michigan comes in two forms: Food Assistance Program (FAP) and the ironically-named Family Independence Program (FIP). Recipients of FAP get food stamps in the form of a Bridge Card. FIP provides cash assistance to families with children and pregnant women.
  • In fiscal year 2015, there were 132,141 FIP recipients and 2 million FAP recipients in Michigan — more than 20% of Michiganders.
  • Wayne County, where Dearborn is located, has the highest number of both FAP and FIP welfare dependents.



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