Rosie and Alt-Left Promote Killing President Trump

By Andrew West

As the nation’s leftists continue their obstruction of the President’s agenda, a terrifying hatred is blossoming within the “resistance” movement.

We have seen a number of Hollywood celebrities insinuate terrible, horrid things about our Commander in Chief, believing that their status in society somehow qualifies them for unmitigated hatred and threat-making.  Between Kathy Griffin’s ISIS-style beheading stunt and Jonny Depp’s assertion that he may indeed kill the President, our nation has been subjected to a hive of scum and villainy that only the liberal lunatics can provide.

Sure, Donald Trump is an unconventional leader for our nation, but that doesn’t mean that he is any less of a President. His office still commands respect for a great many Americans who worked tirelessly to elect him to this highest office in the land.  One American who certainly doesn’t respect The Donald, however, is long-time nemesis Rosie O’Donnell.  The actress has been riding Trump’s coattails for years in a shallow attempt to remain somewhat relevant within the liberal media.  Now, however, she may have gone too far.

“A new online game encourages users to send a virtual President Trump to his death, either by sending him off a cliff, down a manhole, into a volcano or into the jaws of a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

“The game, ‘Push Trump Off A Cliff Again,’ instructs users to “Take out your frustrations with [the] President by pushing him off a virtual cliff, or into a virtual volcano.’ A virtual Trump shouts out phrases including ‘Bye!’ and ‘I’m really rich!’ as he tumbles to his death.

“Online users have played the game almost two million times, according to the site’s count, thanks in part to the efforts of Rosie O’Donnell and others on Twitter who have shared the game with their followers.”

Rosie was a sure bet to tweet something so inflammatory against Donald Trump, but other second rate actors such as John Leguizamo have also promoted the violent and childish game.

It is this normalization of the assassination of President Trump that has been so ultimately acceptable on the left that it has inspired actual physical violence against Trump and the republicans.  Just week ago a liberal activist and Bernie Sanders campaign volunteer opened fire on a baseball field of GOP congressmen, seriously wounding Louisiana representative Steve Scalise before being incapacitated by brave members of the Capitol Police force who confronted the rifle-wielding madman with nothing but their service pistols.

As these sort of threats continue to play out, there can be no mistaking that the actions of these celebrities have had a profound impact on the sanity of the radical left, and in many ways have inspired such ridiculous vitriol and violence.  Perhaps it is time to hold these propagandists accountable for their incitement before anyone else gets hurt…or worse.


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