October 11th, 2022 Edition
Satanic Delusion Promoting Transgenderism
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
Those who promote homosexuality and transgenderism are disciples of Satan.
These perverted, Satan worshippers gravitate to education and teaching, because they are pedophiles, and that is where children are. Their goal is to groom little children, starting in pre-K, to accept the homosexual and transgender lifestyle. By grooming children in school, it makes it easy to recruit them into these perverted lifestyles.
A teacher in the Klein school district in Harris County recently met with me. She told me that she had discovered hundreds of pornographic books in every school library in her district, as well as pornographic videos on the children’s desk top computers, showing children sex acts to perform. This teacher brought it to the attention of the school board. The board members wanted nothing to do with her expose’. She was then chastised by the Superintendent of Schools and her superiors.
Everywhere you turn, there seems to be the promotion of homosexuality and transgenderism, that is simply a form of homosexuality. This is the demonic delusion that has permeated our society.
“Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived, neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality.”
(1 Corinthians 6:9)
“But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.
If God condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to destruction by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example to those who would live ungodly lives thereafter, and if He rescued righteous Lot, oppressed by the sensual conduct of unprincipled men, for by what he saw and heard that righteous man, while living among them, felt his righteous soul tormented day after day by their lawless deeds, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from temptation, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment for the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires and despise authority.” (2 Peter 2:1-3, 6-10)

The Transgender Agenda
We’re going to talk about transgender deception, put simply, stealth transgenders on TV on top of those that are openly transgender.
The next big topic is environmental factors as a physical cause of gender confusion and perhaps even homosexuality.
Combining previous points with an onslaught of transgender propaganda that spans from TV to classroom, it’s fair to say we can observe a transgender agenda.
The obvious question then arises, why? Just realize that’s equivalent to asking insane people after their motivations which they have, just don’t expect those to bring solace to the sane.
We can kick off however with a somewhat light-footed video in context of transgender deception. The former first “lady” of the U.S. dancing, male parts included.

Pure Evil: American Medical Association Endorses Horrific Surgical Mutilation of Children, and Demands Police State Action by Dept. of Justice to Arrest Anyone Who Disagrees
Mike Adams, Natural News, October 5, 2022
In a shocking act of medical tyranny and authoritarianism, the American Medical Association is now demanding that the DOJ arrest and prosecute anyone who opposes surgical child mutilations carried out in US hospitals that fraudulent claim they are “affirming” a child’s “gender identity” by maiming them with medical violence.
“Leftist child abusers turn to the police state,” writes Daniel Greenfield at FrontPageMag.com:
When they get caught abusing children, the first resort of the leftist abusers, whether it’s the National School Boards Association or the American Medical Association is to label their opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and demand that the Biden administration use the DOJ to arrest and silence them.
Now, the AMA is pro-mutilation, putting the organization in the same moral category as serial murderers, rapists or Holocaust operatives.

The Growing Demonic Drive to Mutilate Children through Transgender Surgery
Chad Uretsky
Prior to one morning in 2012, when on my drive to work I heard of a lawsuit taking place in California about a student wanting to use the restroom designated for those of the opposite sex, I had never heard the word “transgender,” nor did I believe any sane person would consent to such a ridiculous concept as letting a boy use the girls bathroom or vice versa. I could not even apprehend the possibility that the plaintiff in such a case would win. Fast forward 10 years, and not only have many businesses and schools caved to the pressure of a very small minority of the population in order to accommodate what is rightfully diagnosed as a psychological disorder, but we are expected to accept that irreversible surgery and pharmaceutical intervention can somehow correct this mental malady.

AMA Demands Dept. of Justice to “Investigate and Prosecute” Critics of Transgender Child Mutilation
Leftist child abusers turn to the police state, the Dept. of Justice, to prosecute opponents of child abuse by mutilation.
Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine, October 5, 2022
When they get caught abusing children, the first resort of the leftist abusers, whether it’s the National School Boards Association or the American Medical Association is to label their opponents ‘domestic terrorists’ and demand that the Biden administration use the DOJ to arrest and silence them.
The American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics has dispatched a letter to Biden’s Beria, AG Garland, claiming that the sexual mutilation of children for transgender purposes is threatened by a “campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and hospitals”.

MEDICAL MUTILATION of Children: Hospitals increasing irreversible child transgender surgeries as American healthcare system descends into hellish nightmare for children.
The American health care system is the latest institution to have become completely dominated by left-wing ideologues and hypocrites who think about the welfare of patients last and their politics and pocketbooks first.
That explains why a growing number of hospitals are actually taking part in gender reassignment surgeries for children that are permanent and could eventually lead to a life of disturbing depression and mental illness for recipients — all because they make money.
One of them — Seattle Children’s Hospital — has recently doubled down on its “mission” to remove the sex organs of developing children “even as pressure mounts on health systems to quit pushing irreversible surgeries on adolescent patients,” The Daily Caller reported this week.

Christian Patriots Must Oppose and Defeat the Homosexual Agenda
By Michael Swift, "Gay Revolutionary." Reprinted from The Congressional Record of the United States Congress. First printed in Gay Community News, February 15-21, 1987
“We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses, in your truck stops, in your all male clubs, in your houses of Congress, wherever men are with men together. Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. They will be recast in our image. They will come to crave and adore us.
“Women, you cry for freedom. You say you are no longer satisfied with men; they make you unhappy. We, connoisseurs of the masculine face, the masculine physique, shall take your men from you then. We will amuse them; we will instruct them; we will embrace them when they weep. Women, you say you wish to live with each other instead of with men. Then go and be with each other. We shall give your men pleasures they have never known because we are foremost men too, and only one man knows how to truly please another man; only one man can understand the depth and feeling, the mind and body of another man.
“All laws banning homosexual activity will be revoked. Instead, legislation shall be passed which engenders love between men. All homosexuals must stand together as brothers; we must be united artistically, philosophically, socially, politically and financially. We will triumph only when we present a common face to the vicious heterosexual enemy.
“If you dare to cry faggot, fairy, queer, at us, we will stab you in your cowardly hearts and defile your dead, puny bodies.
“We shall write poems of the love between men; we shall stage plays in which man openly caresses man; we shall make films about the love between heroic men which will replace the cheap, superficial, entimental, insipid, juvenile, heterosexual infatuations presently dominating your cinema screens. We shall sculpt statues of beautiful young men, of bold athletes which will be placed in your parks, your squares, your plazas. The museums of the world will be filled only with paintings of graceful, naked lads.
“Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles. We will eliminate heterosexual liaisons through usage of the Redeeming the Rainbow devices of wit and ridicule, devices which we are skilled in employing.
“We will unmask the powerful homosexuals who masquerade as heterosexuals. You will be shocked and frightened when you find that your presidents and their sons, your industrialists, your senators, your mayors, your generals, your athletes, your film stars, your television personalities, your civic leaders, your priests are not the safe, familiar, bourgeois, heterosexual figures you assumed them to be. We are everywhere; we have infiltrated your ranks. Be careful when you speak of homosexuals because we are always among you; we may be sitting across the desk from you; we may be sleeping in the same bed with you.
“There will be no compromises. We are not middle-class weaklings. Highly intelligent, we are the natural aristocrats of the human race, and steely-minded aristocrats never settle for less. Those who oppose us will be exiled. We shall raise vast private armies, as Mishima did, to defeat you. We shall conquer the world because warriors inspired by and banded together by homosexual love and honor are invincible as were the ancient Greek soldiers.
“The family unit-spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence–will be abolished. The family unit, which only dampens imagination and curbs free will, must be eliminated. Perfect boys will be conceived and grown in the genetic laboratory. They will be bonded together in communal setting, under the control and instruction of homosexual savants.
“All churches who condemn us will be closed. Our only gods are handsome young men. We adhere to a cult of beauty, moral and esthetic. All that is ugly and vulgar and banal will be annihilated. Since we are alienated from middle-class heterosexual conventions, we are free to live our lives according to the dictates of the pure imagination. For us too much is not enough.
“The exquisite society to emerge will be governed by an elite comprised of gay poets. One of the major requirements for a position of power in the new society of homoeroticism will be indulgence in the Greek passion. Any man contaminated with heterosexual lust will be automatically barred from a position of influence. All males who insist on remaining stupidly heterosexual will be tried in homosexual courts of justice and will become invisible men.
“We shall rewrite history, history filled and debased with your heterosexual lies and distortions. We shall portray the homosexuality of the great leaders and thinkers who have shaped the world. We will demonstrate that homosexuality and intelligence and imagination are inextricably linked, and that homosexuality is a requirement for true nobility, true beauty in a man.
“We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution.
“Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.”

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration

Common Symptoms in Men with Low Testosterone

Men, do you not feel as well as you used to? There are several common health symptoms that you may not necessarily go see a doctor for, but that can negatively affect your quality of life. If you can relate to any of the below symptoms, then it’s time for testosterone check.
10 Things Every Man Ought to Know About Testosterone
When you hear the word hormones, you probably used to only associate them with women. Today, hormones for men is commonly talked about, too, namely testosterone. You’ve seen the TV commercials about low T, and this tells you that many men are suffering from the symptoms of low testosterone. It’s no small problem. Learn 10 things every man ought to know about testosterone.
Difficulty Losing Weight/Loss of Muscle Mass and Tone
Are your workouts at the gym not producing the muscle mass and tone it used to? Are you getting a spare tire around your waist despite all the exercising you do? Has it become more difficult to get rid of excess fat? You may be asking yourself “What’s going on?” One of the ways to know that you may have a hormone deficiency is when you are doing everything right but not getting the same results you used to. Click here to read about a key hormone for muscle tone and weight loss in men.