July 11, 2023 Edition

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton
Stand with Paxton PAC Rallies Grassroots’ Conservatives
Steven F. Hotze, M.D.
The battle to keep Attorney General Ken Paxton is heating up. The Stand with Paxton PAC has been formed and is encouraging grassroots Conservatives to sign a petition supporting Attorney General Ken Paxton’s acquittal in the Senate during the upcoming impeachment proceeding, scheduled for September 5, 2023. The Stand with Paxton PAC is also encouraging Conservatives to contact their state senators to support Paxton and vote for his acquittal.
The following letter has been sent out by the Stand with Paxton PAC and has been signed by several prominent Republican leaders. This letter has been sent out to over 300,000 Republican Primary Voters in 19 Senatorial Districts controlled by Republicans.
Reasons You Should Stand with Paxton
Sign the Stand with Paxton Petition
Attorney General Ken Paxton deserves our unswerving support in overturning the impeachment charges made by Speaker Phelan, the RINOs and the Communist Democrats in the Texas House. The impeachment proceedings will take place in the Texas Senate beginning September 5, 2023.
It takes a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate to uphold the impeachment. There are 31 State Senators:19 Republicans and 12 Democrats. That means Paxton needs only 11 of the 19 Republican senators to vote in his favor to acquit him and return him to his position as Texas Attorney General.
It takes a 2/3 majority vote in the Senate to uphold the impeachment. There are 31 State Senators:19 Republicans and 12 Democrats. That means Paxton needs only 11 of the 19 Republican senators to vote in his favor to acquit him and return him to his position as Texas Attorney General.
Take action today. Sign the Stand with Paxton Petition and call your state senator. The petition and your senator’s office number is located on the Stand With Paxton website. Click here, https://standwithpaxton.com/.
Paxton has demonstrated his commitment to our grassroot conservative Christian values by going on the legal offense against Big Pharma, Big Tech, the Mexican Drug Cartel, the Trans Sex Mutilation Medical Clinics, the Crooked Politicians who rig elections, the RINOs and the Communist Democrats. He has sued the Biden Administration 47 times over such issues as illegal immigrants, sex traffickers and drug dealers who are flooding into Texas.
You can judge a man by his enemies. Paxton has fought all these powerful, evil forces, so it is no wonder they want to get rid of him.
Paxton has been the most active, conservative Attorney General in America. This is why he is under attack by his political opponents.
Both President Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz have publicly supported Paxton and have called for his acquittal by the Texas Senate.
Take action today. Sign the Stand with Paxton Petition and call your state senator. The petition and your senator’s office number is located on the Stand With Paxton website. Click here, https://standwithpaxton.com/.
Leave a message with your State Senator that you support Attorney General Paxton. Tell your Senator to vote to acquit Paxton in his trial in the Texas Senate, so Paxton can get back to work, protecting Texans.
A cabal of RINOs and Communist Democrats have organized to destroy conservative Attorney General, Ken Paxton, because he has been extremely successful in blocking their woke agenda.
On May 24, 2023, five days before the end of the Texas Legislation Session, Speaker Dade Phelan appointed a special Texas House General Investigative Committee, made up of 3 RINOs and 2 Democrats, that met for less than 6 hours before publishing a report recommending the impeachment of Attorney General Paxton. None of the testimony was given under oath, as required by Texas House rules. All the evidence was based solely upon hearsay.
Paxton was not allowed to present a defense before this House Committee. This committee simply regurgitated the same old, worn out accusations previously brought up over the past 8 years, yet Paxton has never been taken to trial. That should tell you everything.
This was a well-planned hatchet job, in the works since Paxton defeated George P. Bush in the 2022 Republican Primary run off election by a margin of 68% to 32%. He won his third term as Attorney General in the general election last November.
Paxton’s political opponents have been out to destroy him since he was first elected Attorney General in 2014.
The Radical Left and their RINO allies are attempting to use the same playbook on Attorney General Ken Paxton that they have been using on Donald Trump. Paxton’s opponents want to overturn his re-election by political chicanery.
The Texas Governance Code Sec. 665.081 states that “an officer in this state may not be removed from office for an act the officer may have committed before the officer’s election to office.” Attorney General Paxton was elected to office on November 4, 2023. Nineteen of the twenty impeachment charges against Paxton occurred prior to his election. This impeachment process is a sham.
Take action today. Sign the Stand with Paxton Petition and call your state senator. The petition and your senator’s office number is located on the Stand With Paxton website. Click here, https://standwithpaxton.com/.
Leave a message with your State Senator that you support Attorney General Paxton. Tell your Senator to vote to acquit Paxton in his trial in the Texas Senate, so Paxton can get back to work, protecting Texans.
On the last day of the regular legislative session, May 29, the Texas Senate passed a resolution creating a seven-member committee to draft rules for the impeachment proceeding. They were adopted by the Senate on June 20. The rules’ making committee worked in secret for three weeks and created 31 rules without any public knowledge or input. No information about the committee, its membership, or anything else related to it was ever published on the official Senate website. The committee never gave public notice for its meetings, despite Senate rules requiring committees to provide 24-hour notice. This rules’ making process excluded the input of Texans.
Several of these rules are clearly unconstitutional. The Texas Senate is treating this impeachment proceeding as if it were a criminal judicial trial, which it is not. This is a political proceeding, a political trial. The Senate rules have excluded Senator Angela Paxton from participating in the deliberations and from voting on the charges. They claim she has private or personal interests in this matter, which of course she does, but so does every other Democrat or Republican Senator. If this were a judicial trial, then every one of the senators would be excluded from the jury pool. This is a political proceeding, a political trial.
The rules also forbid any senator from discussing the impeachment proceedings with their constituents. They are allowed to discuss it with the press though. This is a clear violation of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, “that Congress shall not abridge the right of the people to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” The senators are our elected representatives and cannot deny their constituents their right to discuss the issue of impeachment with them.
Take action today. Sign the Stand with Paxton Petition and call your state senator. The petition and your senator’s office number is located on the Stand With Paxton website. Click here, https://standwithpaxton.com/.
Leave a message with your State Senator that you support Attorney General Paxton. Tell your Senator to vote to acquit Paxton in his trial in the Texas Senate, so Paxton can get back to work, protecting Texans.
Thank you for standing with and supporting our outstanding conservative Attorney General Ken Paxton.
Matt Rinaldi, Chairman Republican Party of Texas
Robin Armstrong, M.D.,National Committeeman, Republican Party of Texas
Jared Woodfill, J.D., President, Conservative Republicans of Texas
Fmr. Chmn., Harris Co. Republican Party
Cindy Siegel, Chair, Harris County Republican Party
Hon. Molly White, Fmr. State Representative
Cary Cheshire, Tarrant County Patriots PAC
Dr. Rick Scarborough, President, Recover America
Doug Giles, Pastor, Liberty Fellowship, Austin
Hon. Rick Green, Fmr. State Representative, President, Patriot Academy
Sam Malone, Conservative Talk Radio, Owner, 512 New Media
Cindy Siegel, Chair, Harris County Republican Party
Hon. Molly White, Fmr. State Representative
Cary Cheshire, Tarrant County Patriots PAC
Dr. Rick Scarborough, President, Recover America
Doug Giles, Pastor, Liberty Fellowship, Austin
Hon. Rick Green, Fmr. State Representative, President, Patriot Academy
Sam Malone, Conservative Talk Radio, Owner, 512 New Media
Luke Macias, Host of the Luke Macias Show
Anne Newman, President, Speak up Texas
Ann Hettinger
Steven Hotze, M.D., Founder & CEO, Conservative Republicans of Texas

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”

If you are interested in developing a personal relationship with God, then read the Four Spiritual Laws and learn how you can.