George P. Bush Wants To Reimagine What Happened At the Alamo; Bush is Part of the PC Crowd

by www.SavetheAlamo.US

Through your efforts the people of Texas are learning the intent behind and the contents of George P. Bush’s plan for the Alamo. But there are also other very troubling aspects to Bush’s tenure as Texas General Land Office Commissioner.

In addition to his Alamo plan fiascoes, Commissioner George P. Bush has made a veritable shambles of the Texas General Land Office itself. Among his first steps was to summarily fire over one hundred longtime and dedicated Land Office employees in order to replace them with his political cronies and donors–a purge he euphemistically termed a “reboot.” Morale there is through the floor. Everyone is wondering if it is to be their head next on the chopping block.

One of Bush’s other early actions was to have all the remaining employees gathered together in order to tell them that they were safe for now, but that their entire job responsibilities were to “make P look good”–not to work to their best abilities to serve the citizens of Texas.

It is also manifest that Bush views his office with disdain, having referred to it to a reporter as equivalent to a “dogcatcher,” clearly considering the important office of Texas General Land Office Commissioner as merely a stepping stone in his quest for higher political office, thereby fulfilling his role in “the Dynasty.” Bush must learn that no individual however prominent will ever be “anointed” to hold this important position for Texans.

It is time that Texas has a General Land Office Commissioner who will implement what the State Legislature intended–a plan for the Alamo that properly respects and honors the role of the world-famous Battle of 1836 and the Alamo’s courageous Defenders. All the while doing this with complete financial transparency and accountability, Bush has proven over and again that he will not do this. This latest announcement released recently about a “revised” plan is just further proof of this fact, Bush has amply demonstrated that he does not have the fortitude required to stand up to Trevino, the Castro Brothers, and all the other assorted leftist politicians in the City of San Antonio that care nothing about the true legacy of the Alamo. Texans also deserve a Land Commissioner who will run the office efficiently for the benefit of the citizens of Texas, not political cronies and donors.

In confirmation of what we have been telling you, on September 23rd by a vote of 57 to 1, George P. Bush’s plan for the Alamo along with the related financial aspects of its implementation have been condemned by the State Republican Executive Committee, the highest official body of the Republican Party in Texas.

This debacle has gone on for too long–four years is enough. It is time for new leadership in the Texas General Land Office.

Please go to www.SavetheAlamo.US for the latest updates.

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