More Evidence on the Myth of The Dangers of Global Warming

Conservative Tribune

… that sea levels had actually, at best, held steady, if not fallen somewhat.

Indeed, following a high of 88.5 mm in March 2016, the levels then fell to 83.2 mm in August 2016, only to rise once more to 86.8 mm in November 2016 before dropping to 83.7 mm in February 2017 and inching back up to 86.4 mm by April.

To be sure, critics will claim that nothing substantial can be drawn from data derived from such a short time frame as two years, but nevertheless, these “inconvenient” facts do nothing to help support the progressive narrative that sea levels are rising faster than can be dealt with.

To be sure, climate change believers — or more accurately, those who gain by pushing the narrative for whatever reason — will argue that the recent dips in sea level are easily explained away.

For instance, in February 2016 NASA published a study which suggested that increased absorption of rain and snow melt by the earth’s soil, continental bodies of water and underground aquifers was the reason for a slight decrease in sea levels, or as they put it, a slowing of the rising rate.

Add this to the fact that polar icecaps have been shown to be growing in recent years instead of shrinking, as had been gloomily predicted, and we see that the climate change narrative is really struggling to keep up with pesky reality these days.

Is it any wonder then that the mainstream media has all but ignored this latest revelation regarding sea levels from NASA? They are the chief promoters of the failing narrative, and broadly sharing this latest bit of info would only further reveal their penchant for “fake news,” particularly in regard to the climate.

Barring a major storm or tidal wave, cities like Miami and New York can hold off on developing dedicated boat lanes for commuters, as we aren’t quite at that point just yet.

H/T Zero Hedge


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