Conservative activist Steven Hotze charged with more felonies in his voter fraud case
By John Wayne Ferguson, Houston Chronicle, September 6, 2024

Conservative activist Steven Hotze has been charged with two more felonies in connection to a bizarre confrontation that left an air conditioning repairman facing the barrel of a gun held by a man investigating conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.
The aggravated robbery and engaging organized criminal activity charges double the number of allegations Hotze was already facing over a 2020 incident where a private investigator, Mark Aguirre, is accused of tailing and attacking the repairman, wrongfully believing that he had thousands of fraudulent ballots in his vehicle.
According to court records, Hotze on Aug. 19 was indicted by a Harris County grand jury on the two new counts. Hotze on Thursday made his first court appearance in connection to the new charges and had new bond conditions set.
The indictments allege Hotze, Aguirre, and “unknown third person or persons” conspired to threaten David Lopez-Zuniga with bodily injury and used a gun to threaten him.
Hotze and Aguirre were already charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and unlawful restraint related to the same Oct. 19, 2020, incident. Those two charges — which they’ve pleaded not guilty to — are still pending, according to court records.
Aguirre was also previously charged with a second count of aggravated assault over the alleged intentional car crash.
While Aguirre is named in the Hotze indictment for organized criminal activity, he hadn’t been charged as of Friday, according to court records. Hotze’s attorney, Jared Woodfill, called the new indictment “lawfare” and said it was an example of District Attorney Kim Ogg, who spoke at a Tea Party event Thursday and has endorsed Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, “punishing someone for their political views.”
Hotze appeared in court Thursday morning, and was released from the jail around midnight, Woodfill said.
Hotze hired Aguirre as part of an privately-funded voter fraud investigation into the 2020 election, according to court records
Aguirre has been accused of slamming his black SUV into the back of the repairman David Lopez-Zuniga’s truck and drawing a pistol. He ordered the repairman to the ground and put a knee on his back, according to prosecutors.
Aguirre was alleged to believe the repairman had ballots in his truck. Instead, there were only air conditioning parts and tools, prosecutors said. Aguirre later told police he had followed the repairman for four days.
Aguirre was hired by Hotze’s Liberty Center for God and Country to investigate a conspiracy theory that Democrats had collected fraudulent ballots leading up to the November 2020 presidential election, according to prosecutors.
Hotze has derided the previous charges as “bogus” and denied that he was at the scene of the confrontation. In July, Hotze’s attorney filed a motion to dismiss the charges, accusing the DA’s office of hiding documents and collaborating with the attorney representing Lopez-Zuniga in a separate civil lawsuit.
Around the same time, Aguirre’s attorney filed a motion to sever his criminal case from Hotze’s and argued that the two needed to be tried separately so that Aguirre’s lawyers could potentially cross-examine Hotze as a witness in a trial.
District Judge Robert Johnson hadn’t ruled on either of the motions as of Friday.

Kamala Opposes Biblical Christianity
– Steven Hotze, M.D.
Kamala is a Marxist Communist. Her father taught Marxist Communism at Stanford University.
The following are several of her far left-wing, evil policies.
Kamala thinks faithful Christians should be BANNED from serving as judges.
Kamala advocated for legislation to pressure vulnerable women into getting ABORTIONS.
Kamala supports “trans” children to get invasive SURGERY that would mutilate them forever.
Kamala introduced a law that would FORCE Christian doctors to perform abortions.
Kamala and her atheistic, secular allies want the Bible BANNED as hate speech.
Kamala wants to CENSOR all speech that conflicts with the leftists’ political agenda.
Kamala will continue to WEAPONIZE the law (lawfare) to punish her political opponents.
Kamala will PROMOTE the massive invasion of our country by illegal immigrants.
It’s hard to believe that any Christian would support these evil, demonic policies, especially by someone who could become our President. Yet, according to the polls she is supported by 45% of the voters. Trump is supported by 46%, with the rest undecided.
We need to stand up with the full armor of God against Kamala and her wicked allies like we never have before.
The future of America is hanging in the balance.
Now there is a burgeoning movement of patriotic Christians who have had enough of the atheistic, secular Demon Rats like Kamala.
Be bold and courageous, and take action. Be an outspoken Christian Patriot in your church and community.
Make sure that you, your family members, friends, and church members vote.
Let’s take back our country from the atheistic, pro-communist, secular Demon Rats.
President Trump says he will deploy ICE and special forces of law enforcement into Demon Rat infested sanctuary cities to immediately detain and deport all the illegal immigrants.
A MUST WATCH: RFK Jr just dropped the most powerful ad on why he endorsed Donald Trump
RFK Jr. prayed on his decision daily and realized that Donald Trump was the ONLY answer
God Bless RFK Jr. and Donald Trump
Ivermectin as a Repurposed Drug for the Treatment of Cancer
– Dr. Nathan Goodyear
Dr. Burzinski: The Cancer Cure Cover-Up; Suppressed for 45 years
Tucker Carlson says Dick Cheney supports Kamala Harris because they are both “neocons” who believe “it’s okay to kill people in order to get rich.”

It’s a Kill Shot Worldwide: Japanese researchers say side effects of COVID injections linked to 201 types of diseases.
The impact on mortality and morbidity of the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine has been confirmed by a Pfizer Confidential Report — released and made public under Freedom of Information in October 2021. The Confidential Pfizer Report –barely acknowledged by the media– was known to national governments and health authorities Worldwide. It confirms that the so-called Covid Vaccine is a killer.
The negotiation between Pfizer and the President of the EC Mrs. Ursula von Der Leyen was initiated in October 2022, for 4.5 billion doses of Pfizer BioNtech, (namely 10 doses per person) . A contract for one billion doses was subsequently reached for a population of 450 million people who in large part had already been vaccinated.
GUILTY OF MASS MURDER: U.S. Harvard Professor confirms through an Official Court Affidavit that the Covid Vaccines are Bioweapons of Mass Destruction. He says the FDA, CDC, DOD Top Officials and Covid Vaccine Executives should be charged with mass murder.
World Economic Forum finally tells the truth about Covid: It was a ‘test’ of our obedience to rapidly forming new world order
I have long said that Covid 19 was launched by design by a small number of people in the globalist predator class for one reason and one reason only — as a beta test for the coming technocratic new world order.
Now, we’ve got the World Economic Forum coming out and all but admitting that was exactly why the Covid-19 “pandemic” had to happen.
The WEF gleefully posted the following snippet to the “My Carbon” page of its website where they made a pitch for so-called smart cities, which is just another term for 15-minute cities.
Many Set Aside God’s Commandments
– A.W. Tozer
A set of new commandments have been adopted by many of our day, the first words of which reads, ‘Thou shalt not disagree,’ and a new set of Beatitudes too, which begins, ‘Blessed are they that tolerate everything, for they shall not be made accountable for anything.’ It is now the accepted thing to talk over religious differences in public with the understanding that no one will try to convert another or point out errors in his belief.
Imagine Moses agreeing to take part in a panel discussion with Israel over the golden calf, or Elijah engaging in a gentlemanly dialogue with the prophets of Baal. Try to picture Jesus seeking a meeting of minds with the Pharisees to iron out differences. The blessing of God is promised to the peacemaker, but the religious negotiator had better watch his step. Darkness and light can never be brought together by talk. Biblical truth is not negotiable.
Joshua 1:8 – “This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.”
Proverbs 3:1-2 – “My son, do not forget my teaching, but let your heart keep my commandments, for length of days and years of life and peace they will add to you.”

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”