CRTX Newsletter: October 11, 2024 Edition


Why Haven’t Jane Nelson and Republican Elected Officials Done Their Job to Protect Election Integrity?

– Steven Hotze MD

Jane Nelson’s Secretary of State’s Elections Director, Christina Adkins, issued a statement that directs poll workers to allow presenting the noncitizen IDs
and let them vote.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants were given voter registration sign-up cards by the Non-Government Organizations (NGO) when they crossed the border. Their names will be used by the Demon Rats to cast votes for these illegals in the upcoming election.

Whose side is Jane Nelson, the Texas Secretary of State, taking? She has not confirmed the accuracy of the Harris County voter rolls, which have not been updated by the Harris County Clerk and Tax Assessor’s offices for 10 years since Sen. Paul Bettencourt held that position. There are hundreds of thousands of names on the Harris County voter list who have moved out of the county, who are dead, scores of people living at the same address or vacant lots, post office boxes or who are felons.

The Texas Election Code requires the voter lists to be updated monthly. It is not being done! This is going on in all the major blue counties in Texas. Of course the Demon Rats will cast ballots using these names. With county-wide voting, there is no way to monitor this. The Demon Rats also illegally use ballot harvesting and use ballots by mail to inflate their votes. In addition, it has been proven by IT experts that the computers are rigged.

Look how the Harris County Election was disrupted by the Demon Rat election officials in 2022.



Denton County Elections Administrator, Frank Phillips, Tells Pollworker Trainees that the Texas Secretary of State Jane Nelson’s Election Director Advised that Persons with Non-Citizens ID Could Vote.

What in the world is going on with Jane Nelson? Abbott should fire her.

Powerful Trump Ad
Together we can save America

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CBS Edits Kamala’s Nonsensical Answers on “60 Minutes” Interview.

CBS is a Propaganda Arm for Kamala’s Campaign.

Prayers for America
The Why Jesus Matters Book Series
Live Stream Event,
Oct. 22-Nov. 5, 7:00PM CST

Republican Joseph L. Trahan is running against Molly Cook who won a special election for State Senate in May to fill John Whitmire’s seat when he resigned to become mayor.


• Molly Cook, 33-year-old single woman, Baltimore, Maryland transplant.
• Endorsed by the Satanic Temple of Texas Political Action Committee that goes by the name “Secular Houston”.
• Boasts that her gender is lesbian-bisexual.
• Radical Leftist. Elected as the interim State Senator, District 15, in Special Election on May 28.
• Supports mass illegal immigration and the right for illegal aliens to vote.
• Supported by the LGBTQIA+ Victory Fund which includes the “Minor Attracted Adults” Pedophile Agenda.
• Opposes the 2nd Amendment, right to bear arms. She wants no guns for citizens. Of course then only criminals will have guns. See her website.
• Works to elect pro-LGBTQIA+ candidates into government positions so that they can have the power to force their agenda on society.
• Calls for an embargo against Israel. Does not support Israel’s right to self-defense. Criticized by the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston for statements that are “extremely harmful to the Jewish people.”
• Supports Drag Queen Story Time for children in public schools and libraries.
• Supports Transgender Modification in children. She believes the schools can keep this a secret from parents.
• Brags about her abortion and supports abortion on demand through full term.
• Supported by NAKASEC PAC that promotes amnesty for all illegal aliens and their right to vote.
• Supports Covid Shot Mandate, even without parental consent.
• Supports allowing men in women’s bathrooms, showers, and locker rooms.
• Supports sexualization of children in schools.
• She’s radical, inexperienced and does not represent the values of the voters in Senate District 15.


Snatched from the Flames

Nathan Reynolds’ experiences growing up within The Family’s Criminal Empire shaped his understanding of Radical Intelligent Evil and its Satanic war against children.

This is terribly shocking.

Weather Wars, Hurricanes– FEMA – and Equitable Mass Murder

The Reese Report

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”