President Donald Trump
January 20, 2025
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 7301 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:
Section 1. Purpose. Across the country, ideologues who deny the biological reality of sex have increasingly used legal and other socially coercive means to permit men to self-identify as women and gain access to intimate single-sex spaces and activities designed for women, from women’s domestic abuse shelters to women’s workplace showers. This is wrong. Efforts to eradicate the biological reality of sex fundamentally attack women by depriving them of their dignity, safety, and well-being. The erasure of sex in language and policy has a corrosive impact not just on women but on the validity of the entire American system. Basing Federal policy on truth is critical to scientific inquiry, public safety, morale, and trust in government itself.

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name
⁃ 200 Voice Indian Choir
Here is the Full List of Presidential Actions Trump Signed on Day One
Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit
President Donald Trump wasted no time on his first day back in office, signing a series of executive actions aimed at restoring national sovereignty, economic prosperity, and public safety.
These bold initiatives mark a stark departure from the Biden regime’s globalist policies and signal a return to the principles that put the American people first.
Here is the list of presidential actions Trump signed on Monday following his inauguration:

Texas and the nation will be a better place when they just put a Dead or Alive bounty out on Pedophiles and their enablers
Joseph L. Trahan

Demons Disguised as Guardians: The Trans Agenda
Hidden by Main Stream Media:
The Pedophile Network among High Profile Politicians, Celebrities and the Elites
Mel Gibson Says Tapes of Michelle Obama’s Pedophilia Are ’Worse Than Your Worst Nightmare”
Mel Gibson, is now serving as Trump’s handpicked Ambassador to Hollywood, has sent shockwaves through the industry with claims that the so-called “freak-off tapes…
The People’s Voice
Listen to RFK JR explain why Bill Gates & China are allowed to buy up huge swaths of farmland in the US! Their goal is to are destroy the small independent farmers.

The Health Agencies Knew in 2005 that the Childhood Vaccines were causing Autism
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Anthony Fauci called RFK Jr. a liar for pointing out that not one of the 72 vaccines mandated for children has ever been safety tested.
In response, RFK Jr. sued Fauci, and after a year of legal obstruction, Fauci’s lawyers admitted that RFK Jr. had been correct.
“There’s no downstream liability, there’s no front-end safety testing… and there’s no marketing and advertising costs, because the federal government is ordering 78 million school kids to take that vaccine every year.”
“What better product could you have? And so there was a gold rush to add all these new vaccines to the schedule… because if you get onto that schedule, it’s a billion dollars a year for your company.”
“So we got all of these new vaccines, 72 shots, 16 vaccines… And that year, 1989, we saw an explosion in chronic disease in American children… ADHD, sleep disorders, language delays, ASD, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, ticks, narcolepsy.”
“Autism went from one in 10,000 in my generation… to one in every 34 kids.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Governor Abbott and Secretary of State Jane Nelson Where Are You?
NOT even ONE single Texas State official is investigating vote fraud in Harris County.
NO Texas State Senate investigation.
Joseph L. Trahan, President, BIZPAC

Dominion Computer Voting Machines Can Switch Votes
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) finally admitted that Dominion computer voting machines can switch votes from one candidate to another without the voter or auditors ever knowing. The machines record your ballot printed with a QR code that is unreadable to the human eye enabling it to switch votes.
The Technocrat Titans Who Showed up at Trump’s Inauguration are Transhumanists.
Trump Beware!
After the Great Reset
The old labels are peeling off
Joe Allen
The original Technocracy movement offered a solution to human workers being replaced by machines. These men wanted to use technology to enhance human abilities and individuality, they insisted, rather than enslave or destroy us. They advocated liberation through total control.
As the Great Depression dragged on, technocrats proposed replacing hard money with “energy certificates.” A person’s worth would be measured by technical expertise. Morons would go on the dole.

“The Stargate Project” is Operation Warp Speed on Steroids and the Biggest Swindle in History
mRNA Vaccines for Cancer is a Con Game
“Somebody is pitching influential, high net worth individuals, with a concept that is really smoke and mirrors.
This dumb, outdated approach, saying lets just grab those tumour cells and sequence them. Then within 48 hours we are going to apply magic AI that is going to generate a cancer vaccine candidate.”
“That is either an aggregiously pitched lie, or somebody is advising Larry Ellison that doesn’t know what the heck they are talking about.”
Dr Robert Malone