Conservative School Board Endorsements for May 6 Elections

CRTX Endorsement of Conservative Candidates in Houston Area School Board Races on Saturday, May 6

Brenham ISD

Position 1, James Franke

Position 2, Archer Archer

Position 3, Kyle Hafner

Position 4, David Jantzi 

Fort Bend ISD

Position 1, Oscar Saenz

Position 4, Cheryl Buford

Position 5, Sonya Jones 

Katy ISD

Position 3, Amy Thieme

Position 4, Morgan Calhoun

Position 5, Mary Ellen Cuzela 

Lamar ISD

Position 4, Craig LeTulle

Position 5, Jon Welch

Position 7 Suzanne Box

Humble ISD

Position 2, Robert Scarfo

Position 6, Audra Deaver

Position 7, Michael Grabowski 

Magnolia ISD

Position 4, Jay Michals

Pearland ISD

Position 2, Kristofer Schoeffler

Spring Branch ISD

District 1, Courtney Anderson

District 2, Shannon Mahan

To find your polling location, click here:    

Please click here for a full statewide list of school board endorsements.    

Election Day is this Saturday, May 6.

Elect Conservatives to School Boards and Teach the Basics to School Children

- Steven Hotze, M.D., President,


School children should be taught reading, writing and arithmetic…not “gender identity” or “Critical Race Theory”, wouldn’t you agree?

The pro-socialists, pro-communists and pro-homosexuals have been infiltrating the public schools as teachers and school board members. They are indoctrinating children, starting in kindergarten and through high school, in sexually perverted activities, homosexuality, transgenderism and CRT.

Liberal, woke extremists on the  school board are pushing their anti-God agenda by filling public school libraries with …porn.  Pornographic books and magazines are on the library shelves. Drag Queen Story Hours are being held in school assemblies, classrooms and in public libraries across the state.

The schools promote student homosexual clubs. They celebrate “gay pride“ week.

They are also teaching the communist propaganda of Critical Race Theory rather than the Christian heritage of our forefathers.

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.” (Isaiah 5:20)

Christians have a responsibility not only to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, but also to oppose evil and wickedness in our society whenever it raises its ugly head.

Children must be protected from these evil ideas, and from those teachers that would recruit them into their perverted lifestyles.

Any teacher who promotes the sexualization of children is a pedophile, and should be fired and arrested.

The only way to stop this is to elect Conservatives to the school boards, who support traditional, Biblical moral values, in order to put a stop to this evil Marxist agenda.

Let’s stop the leftists’ Godless indoctrination of our children in our Texas public schools. Let’s stop them from grooming our children to participate in sexual perversion.