April 22, 2022 Edition
Vidal Martinez
“I Stand with Dr. Hotze!”
Dear Fellow Christian Patriots,
Over the past two days I have received over 250 texts and phone calls from friends, supporting my stand for election integrity and fair and honest elections There has been only one elected Republican official or Republican candidate who has contacted me or taken a stand for me, Vidal Martinez.
On the night after my indictment on April 20 Vidal Martinez showed up at my front door, pledging his support for me. The following day he cut the above video. He told me he doesn’t care whether this costs him the election or not, but friends stand with friends. This speaks volumes about the Vidal’s character and his convictions.
Thank you for your continued support and friendship.
“Through God we shall do valiantly and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” (Psalm 108:13)
Sincerely yours,

Steve Hotze, M.D.

Prayer To God For Victory
“Thou art my King, O God.
Command victories for us.
Through Thee we shall push back our adversaries.
Through Thy name we will trample down those who rise up against us.
For I will not trust in my bow,
Nor will my sword save me.
But Thou hast saved us from our adversaries.
Thou hast put to shame those who hate us.
In Thee, O Lord, we have boasted all day long.
We will give thanks to Thy name forever.” (Psalm 44:4-8)
We pray this in the mighty name of our King, Jesus Christ.

Dr. Hotze’s Indictment
Dealing with Exposing Vote Fraud
Greetings to you in the name of Christ our King!
Gary Polland, one of my attorneys called me three hours after I had met with the assistant District Attorney this morning at the Grand Jury. The assistant District Attorney had told me that it was not necessary for me to meet with the Grand Jury, after waiting one hour to do so, because I was going to plead the Fifth Amendment.
When Gary called me, he said that the fix was in. The Grand Jury indicted me, meaning charged me, for being a party to an aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, the weapon being my private investigator’s car.
The private investigator is being considered my agent and because he was contracted to do investigations by and paid through Liberty Center for God and Country, of which I am the CEO, I am being considered responsible for his actions.

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
Sign the Christian Patriot Declaration


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