Attend Your Precinct Convention, March 5, 2024 at 7 PM Get Elected a Delegate to the State Convention Pass the Conservative Resolutions Below

Dear Fellow Conservative Republicans, 

You may not be aware that you can vote twice in the Republican Party Primary. You have either already voted early or will be voting today, Tuesday, March 5. This is your first vote. You can also vote again at your Precinct Convention which will also be held this Tuesday, March 5, at 7 PM at your neighborhood precinct voting location at the end of voting. 

RINOs, Republicans in Name Only, are determined to remove the pro-life, pro-Biblical marriage, pro-religious liberty, pro-school choice, opposition to the homosexual political agenda, opposition to sanctuary cities and other social conservative planks from the Republican Party of Texas party platform at the State Convention this May.

You can prevent this by attending your precinct convention at your voting location on March 5, 2024, at 7 PM, at your neighborhood precinct voting location.  Please be sure to forward this email with the resolutions below to your fellow patriots now. 

We must stand for a biblically based Christian Worldview in civil government and keep the Republican Party of Texas conservative! 

The Precinct Convention is not well-known but is like a town hall meeting made up of Republicans who have voted in the Republican Primary and live in your precinct.

Anyone who votes in the Republican primary election, either in early voting, voting by mail, or at the polls on election day, is eligible to attend his or her precinct convention. Your precinct convention will take place at your precinct’s election day polling place after the polls close at 7:00 p.m. The time and place of your precinct convention must be posted at each poll during primary election day. Expect anywhere from 1 to 50 participants to attend.

The precinct convention is called to order by the Precinct Chairman or a person acting in his stead. This person is the Temporary Precinct Convention Chairman. A Permanent Precinct Convention Chairman and Secretary are then elected by majority vote. The Convention Chairman may appoint a Sergeant-at-Arms and/or a Parliamentarian.

There are only two items of business for the precinct convention:  

  1. The election of delegates and alternates to county or senatorial district conventions which will be held on Saturday, March 23rd, and  
  1. The approval of resolutions to be sent to these conventions. These resolutions then work their way through senatorial district conventions to the Republican State Convention where, if adopted, they become part of the State Republican Party Platform. Be sure to print out the recommended resolutions below and get them passed by your precinct convention. 

At the precinct convention, attendees decide by majority vote who gets to be delegates and alternates to the county/senatorial district convention which is scheduled for Saturday, March 23. Often, everyone who attends becomes a delegate to the next level. However, if a large number attend, decisions will need to be made as to who will be a delegate and who will be an alternate.

The only requirement to be elected as a delegate or alternate to the county/senatorial district convention is to have voted in the 2024 Republican primary election. It is not required to attend the precinct convention in order to be elected to the next higher level. Longtime Republicans often perform tasks for the party or candidates during Election Day, which prevents them from being able to attend. However, for those who are new to the party, attending the precinct convention will definitely increase the likelihood of being one of those elected.

After the election of delegates to the county or senatorial convention, it is time to vote on the resolutions. Please be sure to print out in triplicate and pass the conservative resolutions which follow below. Be sure to take family, friends and neighbors who are conservative Republicans to the precinct convention with you.  Please be sure to forward this email with the resolutions below to your fellow patriots now. The resolutions may also be downloaded from   

We must keep the Republican Party conservative by defeating the Phelan RINOs in our party and then by defeating socialist Democrats in the General Election in November.

“All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men and women to do nothing.”

“Through God we shall do valiantly, and it is He who will tread down our adversaries.” (Psalm 108:13) 

Confident of victory, I remain, as always, 

Sincerely yours for Constitutional liberty and the Biblical principles upon which they are based,

Steven F. Hotze, M.D

Conservative Republicans of Texas
Resolutions for 2024 Republican Precinct Conventions

Table of Contents for Resolutions 

  1. Abolishing Abortion in Texas 
  2.  Family and Marriage
  3. Adoption 
  4.   Gender Identity
  5.   Protection of Minors from Sex Change Treatment
  6.   Prohibiting Homosexual Indoctrination in Schools
  7.   No Minority Status Granted Based on Homosexual Activities
  8.   Prohibiting Drag Queen Story Hour 
  9.   Right to Bear Arms 
  10. Sovereignty of the Church 
  11. Legitimate Function of Civil Government 
  12. Non-State Schools 
  13. Opposing a State Income Tax 
  14. Supporting Free Enterprise Solutions for Medical Care 
  15. Right-to-Work 
  16. Victim’s Rights 
  17. Capital Punishment 
  18. National Sovereignty 
  19. Immigration
  20. Repeal of the Texas Business Tax 
  21. Transforming the Texas Medical Board/Medical Freedom
  22. Religious Liberty and Free Speech
  23. Suspend Contact with Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
  24. Support Reparative Therapy
  25. Republican Chairmanships in the Texas Legislature
  26. Voter Integrity
  27. Opposition to Mandatory Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports
  28. Resolution to Limit the Term of the Texas Speaker of the House to One Term 
  1. Abolishing Abortion in Texas  

WHEREAS, God is the author of life and that human life originates at conception; now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ that abortion must be abolished in Texas because abortion is the murder of an innocent baby, and that the U.S. Supreme Court 1972 Roe v. Wade decision shall be invalid in Texas, shall not be recognized by Texas, shall be specifically rejected by Texas, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Texas.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Texas statutes prohibiting abortion be enforced and that any doctor who performs an abortion be stripped of his medical license.  

  1. Family and Marriage 

WHEREAS, the family is a God-ordained institution and is the foundational unit of society.  The family is primarily responsible for the welfare, education, and property of its members.  The family is defined as those related by blood, marriage or adoption, and  

WHEREAS, marriage is a union between one man and one woman, and  

WHEREAS, Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution, the Marriage Amendment, which was passed statewide with 76.25% of the vote in the November 8, 2005 General election, states 

(a) Marriage in this state shall consist only of the union of one man and one woman.

(b) This state or a political subdivision of this state may not enforce any legal status identical or similar to marriage.

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party of Precinct # ______ that all attempts to weaken or undermine the family must be opposed, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all court orders, federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe upon the right of the people of Texas to define marriage as only a union between one man and one women, shall be invalid in Texas, shall not be recognized by Texas, shall be specifically rejected by Texas, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Texas.

  1. Adoption 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # ______ calls upon the State Legislature to only allow children to be adopted only by married heterosexual couples.

  1. Gender Identity 

WHEREAS, objective criteria for gender identity is necessary for safety in public bathrooms; and 

WHEREAS, fairness in female sports requires prohibiting males who have advantages of greater muscle mass and testosterone from participating in female sporting competitions; now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ that in Texas a person’s gender shall be defined as either male or female. A male shall be defined as someone who has an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, while a female shall be defined as someone who has two X chromosomes, and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the concept of transgenderism is false and perverted. The Texas legislature should pass criminal laws prohibiting the teaching of transgenderism in the schools. 

  1. Protection of Minors from Sex Change Treatments  

WHEREAS, minors have a God-given right to their bodily integrity without harmful interference in the absence of their consent; and  

WHEREAS, minors lack the legal capacity to provide consent for life-changing treatments or operations; now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ that the Texas Legislature enact legislation or the Texas Medical Board adopt a rule mandating the automatic revocation of the medical license of any physician who prescribes treatments or performs operations on a minor which is contrary to his or her gender, therefore

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a person’s gender shall be defined as either male or female. A male shall be defined as someone who has an X chromosome and a Y chromosome, while a female shall be defined as someone who has two X chromosomes,  

  1. Prohibiting Homosexual Indoctrination in Schools

WHEREAS the sexualization of children is pedophilia, and 

WHEREAS the homosexual political movement promotes pedophilia by demanding that the homosexual lifestyle, the practice of oral and anal sodomy, be taught as normal to school children starting in kindergarten, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # ___ calls up on the Texas Legislature to pass criminal laws prohibiting the teaching and indoctrination of the homosexual lifestyle in public or private schools.

  1. No Minority Status Granted based on Homosexual Activities

WHEREAS the homosexual political movement, i.e. the LGBTQ, Log Cabin Republicans and others, want to force by the power of law, individuals, churches, businesses, and governments to accept, affirm and celebrate those who promote and practice the perverted homosexual lifestyle and other deviant sexual lifestyles, and 

WHEREAS the Bible teaches that homosexual behavior is reprobate behavior according to the Romans 1:18-32, and 

WHEREAS the homosexual political movement is trying to create moral anarchy in society by intimidating anyone who uses Biblical values and their religious faith as their reasons for opposing the homosexual political movement, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that no one should be granted minority status based upon their sexual activities or proclivities, and 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Texas Legislature should strengthen and enforce criminal penalties against individuals who participate in deviant sexual activities, and 

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all court orders, federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe upon the right of the people of Texas to criminalize deviant sexual behavior shall be invalid in Texas, shall not be recognized by Texas, shall be specifically rejected by Texas, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Texas.

  1. Prohibiting Drag Queen Story Hour

WHEREAS the sexualization of children is pedophilia, and 

WHEREAS the homosexual political movement promotes pedophilia by promoting the Drag Queen Story Hour in public libraries and schools which is geared toward sexualizing children 10 years and younger, and 

WHEREAS in Houston, two Drag Queens who performed at Houston Public Libraries were found to have criminal records for child molestation, therefore 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # ___ calls up on the Texas Legislature to pass criminal laws prohibiting Drag Queen Story Hour and penalizing for pedophilia, performers, and anyone, including parents, who expose children to this perverted activity.  

  1. Right to Bear Arms 

WHEREAS the right to bear arms is an inalienable right, and 

WHEREAS the right to bear arms allows patriots to overthrow a tyrannical government, like communism, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct #______ reaffirms the right of individual United States citizens to keep and bear arms, as guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment to the United States Constitution, and opposes any and all legislation which would restrict that right.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all federal acts, laws, executive orders, administrative orders, court orders, rules, and regulations, whether past, present, or future, which infringe on the people’s right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and by Article 1, Section 23 of the Texas Constitution , shall be invalid in Texas, shall not be recognized by Texas, shall be specifically rejected by Texas, and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in Texas.

Federal acts which would be considered “null and void and of no effect” include, but are not limited to:

(a) Any tax, levy, fee, or stamp imposed on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition not common to all other goods and services which might reasonably be expected to create a chilling effect on the purchase or ownership of those items by law-abiding citizens;

(b) Any registering or tracking of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition which might reasonably be expected to create a chilling effect on the purchase or ownership of those items by law-abiding citizens;

(c) Any registering or tracking of the owners of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition which might reasonably be expected to create a chilling effect on the purchase or ownership of those items by law-abiding citizens;

(d) Any act forbidding the possession, ownership, or use or transfer of a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition by law-abiding citizens; and

(e) Any act ordering the confiscation of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition from law-abiding citizens. 

  1. The Sovereignty of the Church 

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ acknowledges that the Church is a God-ordained institution with a sphere of authority separate from that of civil government and thus the Church is not to be regulated, controlled or taxed by any level of civil government. 

  1. The Legitimate Function of Civil Government 

WHEREAS, God is Sovereign over all the world and has divinely instituted civil government among men, for His own glory and for the public good, and that for the administration of this institution He has ordained civil rulers to exercise their authority under Him in obedience to His laws in order to promote justice, restrain wickedness, punish evildoers, and protect the life, liberty, and private property of the citizens, and provide for the domestic and national defense; and 

WHEREAS, when civil government assumes responsibilities and authority beyond this well delineated scope it occurs at the expense of the other God-ordained institutions, the Family and the Church; now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Precinct #_______supports this historic concept, established by our nation’s Founding Fathers, of limited civil government jurisdiction under the laws of God and repudiates the socialist doctrine that the state is sovereign over the affairs of the citizens, and over the family and over the Church. 

  1. Non-State Schools 

WHEREAS, education is the primary responsibility of parents, and that parents, not the state, are the stewards of the children; now therefore,  

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Precinct #____ opposes all attempts by the state or local government to interfere with parental rights in education; and that we further support maintaining the present status of private, parochial, and home schools free from state government control. 

  1. Resolution Opposing a State Income Tax 

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Precinct #______ opposes a state income tax and the imposition of any new kinds of taxes or additional tax increases on the State or local levels. 

  1. Support for Free Enterprise Solutions for Medical Care 

WHEREAS, free enterprise capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods and services for money between two individuals and encourages businesses to compete for consumer dollars, and  

WHEREAS, this system of independent economic actions, freely taken by millions of consumers and businesses, has proven to produce the highest standards of living in every country where it has been adopted, and  

WHEREAS, private medical practice is being choked by corporate socialism, which is the cooperative effort of insurance companies and government to destroy competition and replace it with central planning called “managed care,” and  

WHEREAS, liberal socialistic politicians are using alarmist tactics to sell their plans for socialized medicine, called universal health care, and 

WHEREAS, HMO and PPO insurance plans have failed to offer an answer to the increasing cost of health care and yet the overall cost of health care has continued to rise, and  

WHEREAS, socialized medicine inevitably leads to poor quality, rationing and increased taxation, and  

WHEREAS, most Americans want to determine their own destiny and, historically, have loathed the idea of government bureaucrats dictating what is best for them, and  

WHEREAS, the surest way to maintain your liberty is to control your economic freedom of choice, and  

WHEREAS, there a Health Savings Account (HSA) is a simple, free enterprise answer for providing health care, and  

WHEREAS, an HSA, which is tax deductible, allows you to save up to $4150 individually or $8300 per family, each year, as long as you are covered by a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP), and  

WHEREAS, because of high deductibles, the HDHP is much less expensive than standard medical insurance, and  

WHEREAS, HSAs are devised to allow you to choose and pay for your own maintenance of your health, and   

WHEREAS, once you reach your annual insurance deductible, which you pay from your HSA, then your additional medical expenses will be covered by your HDHP, and 

WHEREAS, you own and control the money in your HSA and may invest it just like an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) as well as use it for a wide variety of medical and dental expenses, and determine which physician, dentist or chiropractor will care for you, and  

WHEREAS, no government bureaucrat or insurance company should be permitted to interfere with your freedom to choose the type of medical care, and  

WHEREAS, your employer may contribute a portion or the full amount to your HSA, but you still own and control it and being able to contribute to an employee’s HSA offers businesses an opportunity not only to provide their staff with affordable health care, but also to dramatically reduce their cost for medical insurance, now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # _____ calls upon Congress to repeal Obama Care and further calls upon the U.S. Congress to pass legislation which would encourage businesses to promote and participate in Health Saving Accounts for their employees, allowing the free enterprise system to operate effectively. 

  1. Right-to-Work 

WHEREAS, any individual should have the freedom to work in the job he desires without being forced to join or pay dues to any organization; and 

WHEREAS, the Texas Right-To-Work Law has provided a good economic climate for stable management-labor relationships; now therefore 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ that the State of Texas maintain its Right-To-Work Law. 

  1. Victim’s Rights

WHEREAS, the federal and state judiciary have exhibited an inordinate concern for the rights of criminals as opposed to the rights of those who have been the victims of criminals and their crimes; and 

WHEREAS, this has led to a disrespect for law which threatens to undermine the very foundations of our society; now therefore, 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct #_______ that restitution should be instituted so that the victims of crime are compensated by those who perpetrate crimes against them for injuries and losses to their person and private property.  

  1. Capital Punishment 

BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct # ______ that capital punishment should be meted out to those whose crimes are capital in nature. 

  1. National Sovereignty 

WHEREAS, the United States is a sovereign nation, and  

WHEREAS, President George Washington warned about foreign entanglements in his farewell address, therefore 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # ____ rejects the United Nations, New World Order, One World Government and The Great Reset. We reaffirm the national sovereignty and independence of the United States of America.

  1. Immigration

WHEREAS there are over 17 million illegal immigrants in the USA, and there are annually 2,000,000 per year with 3,000,000 to 4,000,00 projected in 2024 crossing the Rio Grande into Texas since Biden took office, from over 150 different countries, including China and Iran, 

WHEREAS this illegal immigrant invasion has cost Texans $13.4 billion in 2023, 

WHEREAS the communist democrats want to grant full citizenship to these illegal immigrants and demand that there be open borders for immigrants, and

WHEREAS the communist democrats have granted the right to vote to illegals in cities that they control, and 

WHEREAS the communist democrats want to use this open-door policy to gain more supporters for subverting this country and turning it into a communist dictatorship, and

WHEREAS the U.S. Constitution grants Texas the right to repel any foreign invasion, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party Pct.# ___ calls upon the Governor of Texas to deploy Texas military forces, the Texas Rangers, and other state law enforcement personnel to close the bridges across the Rio Grande, finish building the wall on our Southern border with Mexico, sealing the border, and deport illegal immigrants.

  1. Repeal of the Business Tax 

WHEREAS, Texas has been a strong free enterprise state, and  

WHEREAS, taxes on business discourage new business creation in the state, and  

WHEREAS, John Marshall, the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, once wrote that “the power to tax is the power to destroy.”   

WHEREAS, in 2006, the Texas Legislature under control of the Republicans adopted the Business Tax, which is the largest tax bill in the history of Texas, and  

WHEREAS, the Business Tax was in passed in the presence of a huge, $8.2 billion budget surplus, and  

WHEREAS, this permanent Business Tax expanded the business Franchise Tax, which was originally passed by the Democrat-dominated Legislature under Governor Ann Richards in the early 1990s and that the Republican Party Platform has called for its elimination for the past 16 years, and   

WHEREAS, the Business Tax taxes a percentage of the gross revenues of a business whether or not it is profitable, and  

WHEREAS, this is disastrous to businesses and business formation in Texas, 

WHEREAS, the Business Tax is an effective state income tax on businesses which violates the Texas Constitution, and  

WHEREAS, no other state in the union has a business tax which taxes gross revenues and not profits, and 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party of Precinct # ____ call upon the Texas Legislature to repeal the Business Tax.

  1. Transforming the Texas Medical Board/Medical Freedom 

WHEREAS, the Texas Medical Board (TMB) was originally established to protect citizens from physicians who engaged in disreputable conduct or whose treatments were overwhelmingly harmful, 


WHEREAS, the TMB is composed of individuals who support the Pharmaceutical Medical Business Establishment which includes pharmaceutical, insurance and hospital corporations that force physicians and patients to follow their harmful protocols and oppose natural approaches to health, and 

WHEREAS, insurance companies are permitted to interfere with the relationship between patients and doctors by having insurance company clerks deny physicians’ recommendations, and   

WHEREAS, the TMB allows confidential complaints by pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, attorneys, competitors, and fired employees against physicians in order to deprive patients of the care of their doctors, and  

WHEREAS, the TMB disregards the patients’ affidavits when they state that they are pleased with the care of their physician, and 

WHEREAS, the TMB hires anonymous doctors to review the records of the patients whose treatments are under question and these hired guns invariably recommend disciplining or revoking the license of the physician on whom the anonymous complaint was filed, and  

WHEREAS, the physician charged is denied due process and his accuser and witnesses remain anonymous, like what occurs in countries ruled by a dictatorship,   

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Republican Party in Precinct#_____ that Texas State Legislature transform the Texas Medical Board (TMB) by adopting the provisions in the Texas Medical Practice Act which would 

1) Protect the patients’ rights to choose natural solutions to their health problems and the physicians’ rights to provide natural solutions for health problems. 

2) Eliminate confidential complaints against physicians. 

3) Eliminate anonymous medical witnesses against physicians. 

4) Mandate legal due process in all TMB proceedings. 

5) Allow the doctor the right to choose to have a complaint against him tried in a state district court rather than in an administrative law court. 

6) Forbid TMB members from working for insurance, pharmaceutical companies or hospitals while serving on the board in order to prevent conflict of interest. 

7) Prohibit intimidation tactics by TMB lawyers against physicians.

  1. Religious Liberty and Free Speech

WHEREAS, the First Amendment to the Constitution guarantees the free exercise of religion and free speech to every citizen, and 

WHEREAS, religious liberty and free speech are under severe attack in our churches, schools, the military and in the public arena by anti-religious organizations and by communists in the federal government, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that Republicans in Pct. # ___ demand that Texas judges and legislators uphold and defend our God-given unalienable rights of religious liberty and freedom of speech, and oppose any effort to intimidate and prevent Christians and people of faith from exercising these rights which the civil government is required, by the First Amendment, to protect.   

  1. Suspend Contact with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)

WHEREAS, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has suspended all formal contacts with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) due to evidence demonstrating a relationship between CAIR and HAMAS, a designated Foreign Terrorist Organization, and

WHEREAS, in the U.S. v the Holy Land Foundation, the largest successful terrorism financing prosecution in U.S. history, CAIR was identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front group and was named an un-indicted co-conspirator in the trial, and

WHEREAS, CAIR opened its first office in Washington, D.C. with the help of a grant from the Holy Land Foundation, a charitable organization that was shut down by the U.S. Treasury Department for funding jihadist terrorist organization, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in PCT.# ___ calls upon all law enforcement and governmental agencies in Texas and in the Federal Government to avoid and suspend all contacts and outreach activities with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

  1. Support Reparative Therapy

WHEREAS Reparative Therapy and other counselling efforts, that help individuals who are struggling with sexual orientation issues, are based on the understanding that healing emotional wounds and reducing shame will reduce same-sex attraction and empower individuals to live in accordance with their own faith and values, and

WHEREAS, psychological and spiritual counseling have been well-documented in scientific and psychological literature to help individuals with unwanted same-sex attractions reduce and/or eliminate their unwanted homosexual feelings, and

WHEREAS, laws have been passed in 18 states severely restricting

the free speech rights of licensed therapists who support counseling and therapy to change or reduce homosexual behavior in individuals who seek their help, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED that the Republican Party in Pct.# ___ calls upon the Texas Legislature to pass legislating that would protect the right of licensed therapists, psychologists and counselors to practice reparative therapy and to support clients of any age with sexual orientation change efforts.

  1. Republican Chairmanships in the Texas Legislature

WHEREAS, both Lt. Governor Dan Patrick and House Speaker Dade Phelan both appointed Democrats as chairmen to various committees in both the Texas Senate and Texas House, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Pct. # _______ calls upon the Lt. Governor and Speaker of the House to award committee chairmanships only to Republicans. 

  1. Voter Integrity 

WHEREAS, the 2020 General Election exposed massive voter fraud on the part of Democrats in Texas, particularly in Harris, Dallas and Bexar Counties, and

WHEREAS, violations of the Texas Election Code included, but not limited to, illegal applications for ballots by mail, illegal distribution of ballots by mail, illegal voter registration, illegal immigrant voting, illegal ballot harvesting, illegal drive-thru voting, tampering with computerized voting machines, and 

WHEREAS, the Texas Republican Legislature lowered violations of the Texas Election Code from felony offenses to misdemeanors, and

WHEREAS, the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals ruled that the Texas Attorney General could not prosecute violations of the Texas Election Code, and 

WHEREAS, district attorneys in the major metropolitan areas are pro-Communist Democrats who refuse to investigate Democrat voter fraud, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Pct. # _______ calls upon the Texas Republican Legislature to require that all registered voters are American citizens, that all voters show voter ID in order to vote, and restore felony penalties and enact civil penalties for voter fraud, and oppose any federal attempt to takeover state elections.

  1. Opposition to Mandatory Vaccinations and Vaccine Passports

WHEREAS, international and federal law makes it illegal for businesses, organizations and government entities to coerce or mandate individuals to take experimental COVID gene modifying injection as a condition of employment, and

WHEREAS, the experimental COVID injection is not approved by the FDA because it has not undergone necessary clinical trials, and therefore its use in humans is strictly experimental, and

WHEREAS, this type of compelled medical experimentation on humans violates the 1947 Nuremberg Code, which was developed after the Nuremberg Trial of medical doctors who experimented on prisoners at Nazi concentration camps, and

WHEREAS, the first principle of the Nuremberg Code is an individual must freely give his informed consent to participate in a medical experiment, treatment or procedure, requiring that an individual be informed of risks and benefits of the experiment, treatment or procedure, and 

WHEREAS, individuals must have freedom of choice without force, deceit, fraud, threat or any type of coercion to undergo a medical procedure or treatment, therefore

BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republican Party in Pct. # _______ calls upon the Texas Legislature to prohibit any business, organization or government entity from requiring any mandatory vaccinations or vaccination passports.

  1. Resolution to Limit the Term of the Texas Speaker of the House to One Term

WHEREAS, since the very first Texas Legislative Session in 1846, no Speaker of the House served more than one session as Speaker for almost 100 years and, 

WHEREAS, it was not until 1935 that Representative Coke Stevenson served a second session as Speaker, and

WHEREAS, from 1935 through 1979, it was still the norm for Texas Speakers to serve only one term, and that during that period, only four of the sixteen Speakers served two terms, and

WHEREAS, it was not until 1975 that Representative Bill Clayton served four terms as Teas Speaker, and that from 1975 to 2023, the norm went from serving one term to serving five terms; that during that 51 years, only seven different Speakers served. Furthermore, during that time period only one Speaker voluntarily stepped down from that position of power, and

WHEREAS, the evidence indicates that the longer a person serves as Speaker, the more powerful they become and the more unwilling they are to relinquish that power. Furthermore, the Speakers who served only one term fulfilled an administrative function, while the power to move legislation was retained by the voting majority of the Texas House, and as the Speakers’ number of terms increased the power to move or block legislation moved from the majority of members to the Speaker, with the result that legislation supported by a majority of the voting members of the House often fails to reach the floor for a vote of the members, 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Republicans in Pct. #_________call on all Republican State Representatives to support legislation to limit the number of a Speaker’s terms to one term and to adopt this limit in the Texas Republican Party Platform.