-Steven Hotze, M.D.
The Deep State, the Democrat Party, Black Lives Matter, the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations, mainstream media, Facebook, Google, LGBTQIA and many national and international organizations are influenced or controlled by the worldwide Communist movement.
These are front groups for the Communists, primarily the Chinese Communists, but also the Russian Communists. These front groups are the force that is driving the indoctrination of our society to accept Communism. Their disciples have infiltrated the military and local, state and federal governments, as politicians and bureaucrats. They have also infiltrated Christian churches and seminaries, as well as large corporations, many of which funded Black Lives Matter.
Communists do not believe in individual freedom, liberty and justice under God’s Law, as our Founding Fathers did. They renounce Biblical absolutes and view Christianity as the major obstacle to implementing their atheistic, Communist World View.
These numerous front groups were created to divert the attention of conservatives. Conservatives and Christians have failed to use Biblical truth to attack the root problem, which is the underlying philosophy of the Communist movement, found in The Communist Manifesto, a short pamphlet written by Karl Marx in 1848. Communism espouses an atheistic, Satanic world view.
You should read Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto at the following link. It will take you 30 minutes to read.
This strategy of diversion has worked exceptionally well for the Communists.
Instead, we should focus on exposing the underlying, atheistic Communist World View and demonstrate how it is diametrically opposed to the Biblical World View. Communists are the enemy. They are fueled by demonic forces, hell bent on achieving world dominance by destroying America and crushing Biblical Christianity.
The Communists have made slaves of the citizens of every country they control and have murdered hundreds of millions of people who were dissidents. If they take over America, then they plan to do the same to any American who opposes them.
These groups and their supporters are not leftists, globalists or One Worlders. They should be called out for who they are, Communists.
“Those who forsake God’s Law praise the wicked, but those who keep the law strive with them.“ (Proverbs 28:4)
Let’s pray in Jesus’ name that God would raise up a host of bold, courageous, Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriots to strive against the Communist revolution, sweeping across America, and to restore our nation to its Christian heritage.