November 4th 2021 Edition

Conservatives Taking Back School Boards in Harris County
-Steven Hotze, M.D.
Christian and Conservative Patriots made great gains in Harris County School Board Elections on Nov. 2.
Dr. Natalie Blasingame, Lucas Scanlon and Scott Henry rode to upset victories in the three (3) Cy-Fair Independent School District (CFISD) races on Nov. 2.
Rev. Kendall Baker, Caroline Walter and Bridget Wade forced their leftist opponents, all incumbents, into runoff elections in Houston ISD races.
HISD is the largest ISD in Texas. It has 9 board members.
CFISD is the third largest ISD in Texas and has 7 board members.
Recover America Now, under the leadership of Dr. Rick Scarborough, worked with pastors in Harris County. Dr. Scarborough trained pastors on how they could help their members to register to vote and encourage them to vote for candidates in the school board elections who supported Biblical values.
There are widespread reports of conservatives across the country, having taken back the school boards on Nov. 2 from the pro-communists, leftists who promote Critical Race Theory, sexualization of children and anti-American propaganda.
Three Christian patriots defeated leftist incumbents on the seven (7) member Albuquerque, New Mexico ISD on Nov. 2. The conservatives now hold a 4-3 majority on that board. The three patriots were supported and promoted by Pastor Steve Smothermon and other members of the Legacy Church in Albuquerque.
Pastor Smothermon has boldly opposed the New Mexico governor’s unconstitutional church lockdown and regulatory executive orders. Legacy Church members did not wear masks or social distance in church.
Pastor Smothermon and Legacy Church sued the governor. They refused to comply with illegal government orders. Pastor Smothermon and Legacy Church set the standard on how pastors and churches should resist tyrants and actively involve themselves in civil government, ensuring that civil magistrates follow God’s purpose. Civil authorities are to punish evildoers and protect those who do good.
The future of our nation will be determined by the values and principles our children and grandchildren at school. They need to be taught the godly, Biblical values of our founding fathers who opposed tyranny, defeated the British and gave birth to the United States.

Democrat Political Losses on Nov. 2 Increase Likelihood of Desperate Actions by Democrats
Mike Adams, Natural News, 11/3/21
Democrats were slaughtered in yesterday’s elections, with American voters sending an undeniable message of opposition against radical left-wing politics, Critical Race Theory, vaccine mandates and seemingly endless inflation. GOP candidate Glenn Youngkin took the Virginia governorship, and Republicans even managed to win a majority in the Virginia House.
In Minnesota, a defund-the-police ballot initiative failed, and the NJ Governor’s race remains too close to call, even though media pundits previously claimed it would be an easy win for Democrat Gov. Phil Murphy. Similarly, anti-CRT parents achieved sweeping victories on school boards across the country, reacting to the insane left-wing indoctrination of children being mercilessly pushed by leftists.
Amazingly, the far-left radicals in the Democrat party think these losses are the result of not being radical enough.

“I, _____, do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, “The righteous are as bold as a lion.” I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”
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