Dr. Hotze’s News Release

September 19, 2023

Texas AG Paxton Acquitted in Impeachment Trial

Lt. Governor Patrick Condemns Texas House Impeachment Process

Austin, Texas – On Saturday, September 16, 2023, conservative Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted by the Texas Senate on all 16 impeachment charges brought by the Texas House, and he was reinstated as Attorney General. Paxton’s lead defense attorneys, Tony Buzbee, Dan Cogdell, Anthony Osso, Jr. and Mitch Little did an exemplary job in cross examination, exposing the prosecution witnesses’ lack of evidence to substantiate the allegations against Attorney General Paxton.

After the acquittal, Lt. Governor Patrick addressed the Senate and all those in attendance, condemning the Texas House for rushing through the impeachment process without having any sworn testimony, evidence, or public transparency.

Dr. Hotze said, “I commend Lt. Governor Patrick for the professional way he conducted the Senate Impeachment Trial. His reprimand of the House impeachment process was forceful and well deserved. In the final days of the 2023 Texas Legislative Session, on May 24-25, a sham proceeding hearing was conducted by the House General Investigative Committee, formed by Speaker Dade Phelan. This committee, composed of Paxton’s opponents, concocted a series of bogus articles of impeachment based upon hearsay, without sworn testimony, and presented them to the entire Texas House. Attorney General Paxton and his attorneys were not allowed to present a defense before this committee or before the Texas House. This violated Attorney General Paxton’s right to legal due process. The vote for impeachment occurred on May 27, two days before the end of the session. Paxton’s impeachment was a hatchet job, which appeared to be orchestrated by the Bush family, Karl Rove, Dick Weekley and TLR, and the Biden Administration. Paxton has sued the Biden Administration 47 times and, like President Trump, has been a target of the Deep State.”

Dr. Hotze continued, “The RINO leadership in the Texas House intimidated Republican state representatives to vote for impeachment.  All 67 Democrat House members and 60 Republican House members voted for impeachment. Only 23 House Republicans had the courage to vote against the articles of impeachment, including Rep. John Smithee, who gave a compelling speech, excoriating the General Investigative Committee and the entire House for not following the rule of law during the impeachment process.”

Dr. Hotze said, “The leader of the RINO pack is Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan, and his cabal of RINO leaders are Charlie Geren, Dustin Burrows, Jeff Leach, Craig Goldman, Glenn Rogers, Jacey Jetton, Lynn Stuckey, Stephanie Klick, Justin Holland, David Spiller, Morgan Meyer, Cody Vasut, Andrew Murr and Briscoe Cain. You can be sure that their constituents will not forget this betrayal.”

Dr. Hotze concluded, “Congratulations to all of the Texans who went to and signed the online petition supporting Attorney General Ken Paxton! I would also like to thank them for contacting their state senators, asking them to acquit Attorney General Paxton. These calls made a tremendous difference. Now Attorney General Paxton can get back to work protecting the conservative values of Texans.”