Elon Musk Warns of the Results of a Kamala Win
Tucker Carlson is stronger than horseradish! “The Democratic party is the home of weirdos, bitterness, envy, hate, and conformity. It’s the enemy of freedom and creativity. It only destroys. Now is our last chance to stop the machine. Donald Trump is the only answer.”
Tucker Carlson takes the bark off of the Demonrats’ tree!
This video by Tucker Carlson will put fire in you belly! (17 minutes) It is a Must Watch! Tucker decimates the Demonrats.

Press Release
Dr. Hotze Files Suit Against Ann Bennett, Harris County (Houston) Tax Assessor Collector and Voter Registrar, for Allowing an Illegal Voter File with 562,000 Illegal Names
Houston, Texas – Attorney Jared Woodfill, Woodfill Law Firm, has filed a lawsuit, Hotze v. Bennett on behalf of Steven F. Hotze, M.D., Senate District 15 Candidate Joseph L. Trahan, and Congressional District 7 Candidate Caroline Kane. This petition seeks declaratory and injunctive relief against Ann Harris Bennett, the Voter Registrar of Harris County, regarding multiple instances of election alterations of election procedures which must be declared illegal and stopped immediately.
Because Bennett has chosen not to fulfill her statutory duties, the Harris County voter registration roll contains over 562,000 illegal names of persons on the voter registration file, such as voters who have moved out of Harris County, voters who have died, voters who are felons, voters who have registered at post office or private mail boxes with commercial mail receiving agencies (“CMRAs”), scores of voters who are not related to each other but have registered at the same address, voters who have registered at a commercial address and do not reside there, and voters who claim to live on vacant property with no structure, utilities, or other indications of actual residency.
The Texas Election Code requires that each county update its voter files every month. This has not been done in Harris County since the Democrats took over the office in 2016.
This lawsuit seeks: (i) to force the Harris County Voter Registrar to monitor and maintain the accuracy and integrity of Harris County’s voter registration roll; (ii) to remove those listed on the voter registration role who are not eligible to remain listed; (iii) to review the National Change of Address database on a monthly basis, and, when necessary, investigate specific instances where a voter’s registration status in Harris County should be reasonably questioned; (iv) to promptly review and determine challenges to the registration status of a voter; (v) to promptly initiate confirmation notices to voters whose registration status has or may have come into question; (vi) to ensure that voters are placed on a suspense list so that their current residency credentials may be determined through a statement of residence form required to be filled out as a prerequisite to voting; and (vii) all other actions necessary to force compliance with the voter registration roll.
Dr. Hotze stated, “Texans have every right to be concerned about vote fraud. We will be tracking every illegal name on the voter file to determine whether they cast a vote. Allowing votes to be cast for names illegally on the voter file is vote fraud. It is a frontal assault on democracy and election integrity.”

An election integrity expert in Pennsylvania just revealed to Elon Musk that the state’s officials have admitted in court that the voting machines are NOT secure
J.D. Vance Proclaims “Jesus is King.”

“Bill Gates has just been indicted. He is going to have to go to trial. He’s been indicted in the Netherlands for lying to the public about the Covid vaccine, and he’s going to have to go to trial.”
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Before assuming the most powerful job in the world, Harris has exhibited serious cognitive deficiencies that should set off alarm bells for any health professional.
I am not diagnosing the vice president.
But I am saying there are serious issues the American people have a right to know about a major public official.
Former President Donald Trump has unceremoniously called into question Harris’ level of intelligence as she seeks to lead the nation.
Over 200,000 Americans killed by the COVID Shot
Steven Kirsch
There are many different ways to estimate the excess deaths caused by the COVID vaccines.
Funny thing is, no matter which way you choose, you get the same answer: over 200,000.
The methods
Here is a list of different methods to estimate the number of Americans killed by the COVID shots:

I do solemnly declare that, with God’s help, I will be a Proverbs 28:1 Christian Patriot, ‘The righteous are as bold as a lion.’ I renounce Satan and all his works. I pledge my faith and allegiance to Jesus Christ our King. I will courageously protect our God-given, unalienable freedoms and rights. I will defend the Constitution of the United States, which was written to guarantee these freedoms and rights, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. To this end, with a firm reliance upon the protection of God’s Divine Providence, I do pledge to my fellow Patriots, my Life, my Fortune, and my sacred Honor.”